Caracterización energética del hotel Iberostar Daiquirí
Martín Guerra, Giubel
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Universidad Central ``Marta Abreu`` de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Macánica
En el presente trabajo se caracteriza el consumo energético del hotel Iberostar Daiquirí en Cayo Guillermo. Se aplican herramientas que constituyen a la implementación de la norma ISO 50 001, donde en un primer momento se define la electricidad y el gas licuado del petróleo como los portadores energéticos usados en el hotel y el más consumido es el primero. Luego mediante el Diagrama de Pareto se identifican las zonas más consumidoras resultando los cuartos de climatización como la zona de más consumo, debtro de esta los equipos que más demandan energía son las enfriadoras modulares y se define la climatización como el sistema más consumidor. En otro momento se analiza el comportamiento de los factores que influyen en el portador más consumido, mediante gráficos de correlación se determina la temperatura media mensual como el factor con valores de correlación significativos. Se analiza el sistema de climatización del hotel describiendo sus características y funcionamiento, señalando sus ventajas sobre otros sistemas. Finalmente se realiza un análisis económico y ambiental donde se determina la magnitud de las emiciones de dióxido de carbono con relación a la energía usada y el costo de los recursos energéticos que se consumen en el hotel para este, y para el país, destacando ala electricidad como el portador que más gasto genera.
In the present work, the energy consuption of the Iberostar Daiquirí hotel in Cayo Guillermo is characterized. Tools that contribute to the implementation of the ISO 50001 standard are applied, where at firt the electricity and liquefied petroleum gas are defined as the energy carriers used in the hotel and the most consumed is the first. Then the Pareto Diagram identifeis the most consuming areas resulting in the air conditioning rooms as the most consuming area, within this the most energy demanding equipment are modular chillers and air conditioning is defined as the most conumer system. In anothedr moment, the beabior of the factors that influence the most consumed carrier is analyzed, by means of correlation graphs, the average monthly temperature is determined os the factor with significant correlation values. The air conditiong system of the hotel is analyzed describing its characteristics and fundationing, painting out its advantages over other systems. Finally and economic and environmental analysis is carried uot where the magnitude of the carbon dioxide emissions is determinedin relation to the energy used and the cost of the energy resources consumed in the hotel for this, and for the country hightighting the electricity os the carrier that generates the most expenses.
In the present work, the energy consuption of the Iberostar Daiquirí hotel in Cayo Guillermo is characterized. Tools that contribute to the implementation of the ISO 50001 standard are applied, where at firt the electricity and liquefied petroleum gas are defined as the energy carriers used in the hotel and the most consumed is the first. Then the Pareto Diagram identifeis the most consuming areas resulting in the air conditioning rooms as the most consuming area, within this the most energy demanding equipment are modular chillers and air conditioning is defined as the most conumer system. In anothedr moment, the beabior of the factors that influence the most consumed carrier is analyzed, by means of correlation graphs, the average monthly temperature is determined os the factor with significant correlation values. The air conditiong system of the hotel is analyzed describing its characteristics and fundationing, painting out its advantages over other systems. Finally and economic and environmental analysis is carried uot where the magnitude of the carbon dioxide emissions is determinedin relation to the energy used and the cost of the energy resources consumed in the hotel for this, and for the country hightighting the electricity os the carrier that generates the most expenses.
Palabras clave
Hotel Iberostar Daiquirí, Ciego de Avila, Gestión Energética, Climatización, Impacto Mediombiental