Metodología para la clasificación y priorización de los riesgos sociales y territoriales. Caso de estudio municipio de Santa Clara
Viera Cárdenas, Darío Ernesto
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
Se propone una metodología general y sus procedimientos específicos para los estudios de peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo a nivel territorial, que incluye el cálculo del riesgo social y el riesgo territorial. La misma se basa en los Lineamientos metodológicos para la determinación de los riesgos a nivel territorial de las instalaciones industriales y de servicios que manejan sustancias químicas peligrosas dados por el Citma y la metodología de la agencia internacional de energia atómica. Es aplicada al sector empresarial del municipio de Santa Clara, como caso de estudio práctico, obteniéndose como resultado que (41) instalaciones clasifican para realizar este estudio de (52) inventariadas. El riesgo social se clasifica bajo para todas las instalaciones estudiadas. En el estudio del riesgo territorial, se evalúan los peligros de incendio, explosión, fuga de gas tóxico y derrame de contaminante, obteniendo que clasifican (12) instalaciones con riesgo alto, pertenecientes a los OACEs Minem y Minil y (24) con riesgo medio predominando los OACEs Minem y Cimex. Los consejos populares con mayores riesgos son Capiro-Santa Catalina y Virginia. Estos resultados sirven como base para la toma de decisiones de los órganos de gobierno, permitiendo la priorización de acciones preventivas.
A general methodology and specific procedures are proposed for studies of danger, vulnerability and risk at the territorial level, which includes the calculation of social risk and territorial risk. It is based on the methodological guidelines for determining the risks at the territorial level of industrial facilities and services that handle dangerous chemical substances given by Citma and the methodology of the international atomic energy agency. It is applied to the business sector of the municipality of Santa Clara, as a practical study case, obtaining as a result that (41) facilities classify to carry out this study from (52) inventories. Social risk is classified low for all the facilities studied. In the study of territorial risk, the dangers of fire, explosion, toxic gas leak and pollutant spill are evaluated, obtaining that they classify (12) facilities with high risk, belonging to the Minem and Minil OACEs and (24) with medium risk OACEs Minem and Cimex predominate. The popular councils with the highest risks are Capiro-Santa Catalina and Virginia. These results serve as the basis for decision-making by the governing bodies, allowing the prioritization of preventive actions.
A general methodology and specific procedures are proposed for studies of danger, vulnerability and risk at the territorial level, which includes the calculation of social risk and territorial risk. It is based on the methodological guidelines for determining the risks at the territorial level of industrial facilities and services that handle dangerous chemical substances given by Citma and the methodology of the international atomic energy agency. It is applied to the business sector of the municipality of Santa Clara, as a practical study case, obtaining as a result that (41) facilities classify to carry out this study from (52) inventories. Social risk is classified low for all the facilities studied. In the study of territorial risk, the dangers of fire, explosion, toxic gas leak and pollutant spill are evaluated, obtaining that they classify (12) facilities with high risk, belonging to the Minem and Minil OACEs and (24) with medium risk OACEs Minem and Cimex predominate. The popular councils with the highest risks are Capiro-Santa Catalina and Virginia. These results serve as the basis for decision-making by the governing bodies, allowing the prioritization of preventive actions.
Palabras clave
Industria Química, Procesos Tecnológicos, Análisis de Riesgos (AR), Gestión de Riesgos