Desarrollo de cualidades morales en la infancia preescolar mediante la personalidad de Ernesto Guevara de la Serna
González Barreto, Elizbeth
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento Educación Preescolar. Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar.
La formación de cualidades morales y el trabajo con las personalidades históricas
debe iniciarse desde las primeras edades, donde se sientan las bases para el
desarrollo ulterior de la personalidad. Precisamente, el presente trabajo está
dirigido a proponer un sistema de actividades para el desarrollo de cualidades
morales en los niños de 5 a 6 años mediante la personalidad histórica de Ernesto
Guevara de la Serna. Surge de la necesidad de formar en los niños de estas
edades las cualidades morales y cumplimentar los presupuestos teóricos y
metodológicos del programa en perfeccionamiento; lo que fue constatado por la
autora en la práctica laboral investigativa, además en el cumplimiento de las
tareas del Proyecto de investigación “La red educativa en el Consejo Popular para
la atención integral del niño de la primera infancia”, en el cual se inserta este
trabajo. Para su ejecución se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos y
matemáticos – estadísticos, los que permitieron realizar valoraciones acerca de los
referentes teóricos e investigativos existentes sobre cada uno de los aspectos
inherentes al tema e integrarlos para determinar la interacción existente entre
ellos, así como determinar las necesidades en los niños, lo que posibilitó elaborar
el sistema de actividades para el desarrollo de cualidades morales y el tratamiento
a la personalidad histórica de Ernesto Guevara de la Serna. Los especialistas
consultados opinan que el sistema de actividades tiene calidad y es pertinente,
todo esto permitió arribar a conclusiones y presentar los anexos correspondientes.
The formation of moral qualities and the work with the historical personalities should begin from the first ages, where they feel the bases for the ulterior development of the personality. In fact, the present work is directed to propose a system of activities for the development of moral qualities in the children from 5 to 6 years by means of Ernesto's historical personality Guevara of the Serna. It arises of the necessity of to form in the children of these ages the moral qualities and to execute the theoretical and methodological budgets of the program in improvement; what was verified by the author in the investigative labor practice, also in the execution of the tasks of the investigation Project The educational net in the Popular Council for the integral attention of the boy of the first childhood", in which this work is inserted. For their execution theoretical, empiric and mathematical methods were used - statistical, those that allowed to carry out valuations about the relating ones theoretical and investigative existent on each one of the inherent aspects to the topic and to integrate them to determine the existent interaction among them, as well as to determine the necessities in the children, what facilitated to elaborate the system of activities for the development of moral qualities and the treatment to Ernesto's historical personality Guevara of the Serna. The consulted specialists say that the system of activities has quality and it is pertinent, all this allowed to arrive to conclusions and to present the corresponding annexes.
The formation of moral qualities and the work with the historical personalities should begin from the first ages, where they feel the bases for the ulterior development of the personality. In fact, the present work is directed to propose a system of activities for the development of moral qualities in the children from 5 to 6 years by means of Ernesto's historical personality Guevara of the Serna. It arises of the necessity of to form in the children of these ages the moral qualities and to execute the theoretical and methodological budgets of the program in improvement; what was verified by the author in the investigative labor practice, also in the execution of the tasks of the investigation Project The educational net in the Popular Council for the integral attention of the boy of the first childhood", in which this work is inserted. For their execution theoretical, empiric and mathematical methods were used - statistical, those that allowed to carry out valuations about the relating ones theoretical and investigative existent on each one of the inherent aspects to the topic and to integrate them to determine the existent interaction among them, as well as to determine the necessities in the children, what facilitated to elaborate the system of activities for the development of moral qualities and the treatment to Ernesto's historical personality Guevara of the Serna. The consulted specialists say that the system of activities has quality and it is pertinent, all this allowed to arrive to conclusions and to present the corresponding annexes.
Palabras clave
Educación de la Primera Infancia, Educación Preescolar, Primera Infancia, Valores Morales, Personalidad, Desarrollo de la Personalidad, Competencias Para la Vida