Evaluación energética de la máquina de papel en la fábrica Pulpa Cuba
Rodríguez González, Lisnedys
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
En la fábrica de papel localizada en Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, la sección de secado de la máquina de papelera sido modificada estructuralmente desde su puesta en marcha, con detrimento en la disponibilidad de equipamientos para la recuperación del calor. El objetivo de la presente investigación es identificar los ahorros potenciales de energía en la máquina de papel y oportunidades de mejora de la eficiencia térmica de la etapa de secado del papel, mediante el análisis energético y la aplicación de métodos de integración de calor. Se aplica una metodología para el balance de energía, mediante la cual se definen los principales indicadores de desempeño energético, así como la metodología de análisis del pellizco con el uso de los software HENSAD y Aspen Energy Analyzer. La evaluación energética incluyó la cuantificación de los flujos de energía para determinar los principales consumidores de energía, la evaluación comparativa del desempeño energético, la definición de los objetivos energéticos y el diseño de la red de intercambio de calor. Los indicadores de desempeño energético, la determinación de los objetivos de la red de intercambio de calor (servicios mínimos de calentamiento y enfriamiento, diferencia de temperatura mínima óptima, número mínimo de unidades de intercambio térmico, energía máxima recuperable) y su diseño mediante la tecnología del pellizco, han permitido identificar oportunidades de mejora para reducir los consumos de combustible y agua, mediante la recuperación del calor en la máquina de papel. Mediante el análisis de la energía y la aplicación de la metodología de integración de calor en el proceso de fabricación de papel se identifica un ahorro total anual de 48 902 $ que hace factible ejecutar un proyecto de inversión con un presupuesto de $35 546,5, cuya inversión se estima recuperar en 2 años.
In the paper mill located in Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, the drying section of the paper machine has been structurally modified since its start-up, to the detriment of the availability of equipment for heat recovery. The objective of this research is to identify potential energy savings and opportunities to improve the thermal efficiency of paper drying stage, through energy analysis and the application of heat integration methods. A methodology for energy balance is applied, by which the main energy performance indicators are defined, as well as the pinch analysis methodology with the use of HENSAD and Aspen Energy Analyzer software. The energy assessment included the quantification of energy flows to determine the main energy consumers, energy benchmarking, the definition of energy objectives and the design of the heat exchange network. The energy performance indicators, the determination of heat exchange network targets (minimum heating and cooling services, minimum optimum temperature difference, minimum number of heat exchange units, maximum recoverable energy) and its design using pinch technology, have made possible identifying improvement opportunities to reduce fuel and water consumption, by recovering heat in the paper machine. Through the analysis of energy and the application of the heat integration methodology in the paper manufacturing process, a total annual saving of $ 48 902 is identified that makes it feasible to execute an investment project with a budget of $ 35 546,5, whose capital is estimated to be recovered in 2 years.
In the paper mill located in Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus, the drying section of the paper machine has been structurally modified since its start-up, to the detriment of the availability of equipment for heat recovery. The objective of this research is to identify potential energy savings and opportunities to improve the thermal efficiency of paper drying stage, through energy analysis and the application of heat integration methods. A methodology for energy balance is applied, by which the main energy performance indicators are defined, as well as the pinch analysis methodology with the use of HENSAD and Aspen Energy Analyzer software. The energy assessment included the quantification of energy flows to determine the main energy consumers, energy benchmarking, the definition of energy objectives and the design of the heat exchange network. The energy performance indicators, the determination of heat exchange network targets (minimum heating and cooling services, minimum optimum temperature difference, minimum number of heat exchange units, maximum recoverable energy) and its design using pinch technology, have made possible identifying improvement opportunities to reduce fuel and water consumption, by recovering heat in the paper machine. Through the analysis of energy and the application of the heat integration methodology in the paper manufacturing process, a total annual saving of $ 48 902 is identified that makes it feasible to execute an investment project with a budget of $ 35 546,5, whose capital is estimated to be recovered in 2 years.
Palabras clave
Industria Papelera, Evaluación del Desempeño Energético, Balance de Materiales y Energía