Propuesta Integral de Mejora de los Sistemas de Calidad para las Empresas Mecánicas
López González, Yumany
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
En todo proceso de medición se encuentra presente una incertidumbre, siempre existe una duda acerca de la validez del resultado de la medició está bien realizada o no, por lo que es muy importante su conocimiento para disminuir su valor. En procesos de Manufactura, el logro de la calidad total se ha ganado un seguimiento ferviente por parte de ejecutivos y directivos estableciéndose normas, estrategias y metodologías tanto a nivel nacional como internacional con el fin de mejorar la calidad del producto y lograr la satisfacción del clinte. En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio bibliográfico actualizado sobre el tema aportando información valiosa sobre diferentes variantes de mejora de la calidad. Se realiza una Propuesta General Integral de Mejora de la Calidad vinculando diferentes enfoques con la situación de varias empresas nacionales y se aportan datos que apoyarán y encaminarán la puesta en marcha de un proyecto de mejora dentro de la Propuesta General Integral de Mejora tomando como base la producción del Selector de Velocidades de las Fresadoras 6P82III y 6P83III
In all mensuration process it is present an uncertaintry, a doubt always exists about the validity of the result of the mensuration, if the mensuration is well carried out or not, for what is very important its knowledge to diminish its value. In Processes of Factory, the achievement of the total quality has been won a fervent pursuit on the part of executives and directive settling down norms, strategies and methodologies so much at national level as international eith the purpose of to omprove the quality of the product and to achieve the client`s satisfaction. Presently work is carried out an up-to-date bibliographicla study on the topic contributing information valuable envelope different variants of improvement of the quality. Is she carried out an Integral General Proposal of Improvement of quality linking different focuses with the situation of several national companies and are data contributed that they will support and will they guide the setting in march of a project of improvement inside the Integral General Proposal of Improvement taking like base the production of the Selector of Speeds of the Milling machines 6P82III y 6P83III
In all mensuration process it is present an uncertaintry, a doubt always exists about the validity of the result of the mensuration, if the mensuration is well carried out or not, for what is very important its knowledge to diminish its value. In Processes of Factory, the achievement of the total quality has been won a fervent pursuit on the part of executives and directive settling down norms, strategies and methodologies so much at national level as international eith the purpose of to omprove the quality of the product and to achieve the client`s satisfaction. Presently work is carried out an up-to-date bibliographicla study on the topic contributing information valuable envelope different variants of improvement of the quality. Is she carried out an Integral General Proposal of Improvement of quality linking different focuses with the situation of several national companies and are data contributed that they will support and will they guide the setting in march of a project of improvement inside the Integral General Proposal of Improvement taking like base the production of the Selector of Speeds of the Milling machines 6P82III y 6P83III
Palabras clave
Sistemas de Calidad, Empresas Mecánicas