Determinación de los parámetros físico-químicos y mecánicos del banano (Musa spp.) para un óptimo manejo poscosecha
Bermudez Camacho, Tania de la Caridad
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
El presente trabajo aborda el estudio del manejo y tratamiento poscosecha del banano (Musa spp.) para el mercado fresco. En el mismo se procede al estudio del subgrupo Cavendish (AAA), trabajando especialmente en el cultivar Cavendish gigante (Jonson). Para su investigación se tomaron muestras en la Empresa Municipal de Cultivos Varios, municipio Taguasco, provincia Sancti-Spíritus. En la investigación teórica se hizo una amplia revisión bibliográfica del estado actual del tema objeto de estudio tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional, donde sobresalen países altamente productores y exportadores como la India, Ecuador, Brasil y Costa Rica. Se realizaron pruebas experimentales de la variedad objeto de estudio en el laboratorio de Bromatología, en el Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (CIAP). Los resultados alcanzados fueron analizados mediante el paquete estadístico STATGRAPHICS Plus ver-5.1, para su comparación con investigaciones anteriores en este mismo fruto, pero en cultivares diferentes. En los resultados obtenidos en la determinación de las propiedades físicas se mostró que los bananos poseen una longitud media de 20.85 cm; circunferencia de 11.25 cm; grosor de la cáscara de 0.25 cm y grosor de la pulpa de 2.85 cm. Por otra parte los ensayos de impacto efectuados mostraron poca resistencia a impactos mayores al orden de 105.94 (J), lo cual lo hace muy susceptible a daños mecánicos, unido a sus cualidades de poca vida de anaquel (6 días) durante la poscosecha.
The present work approaches the study of the handling and treatment poscosecha of the banana tree (Muse spp.) for the fresh market. In the same one, you Cavendish proceeds to the study of the subgroup (AAA), working especially in cultivating Cavendish giant (Jonson). For its investigation, they took samples in the Municipal Company of Several Cultivations, municipality Taguasco, country Sancti-Spíritus. In the theoretical investigation a wide bibliographical revision of the current state of the topic study object was made so much in the national environment as international, where highly producing countries and exporters like the India, Ecuador, Brazil and Costa Rica stand out. They were carried out experimental tests of the variety study object in the laboratory of Bromatología, in the Center of Agricultural Investigations (CIAP). The obtained results were analyzed by means of the statistical package ¨STATISTICA 8.0¨, for their comparison with previous investigations in this same fruit, but in different cultivars. In the results obtained in the determination of the physical-mechanical properties it was shown that the banana fruits possess a medium longitude of 20.85 cm; circumference of 11.25 cm; thickness of the shell of 0.25 cm and thickness of the pulp of 2.85 cm. In other hands the obtained results the impact made showed little resistance to more impacts to the order of 105.94 (J), that which makes it very susceptible to mechanical damages, together to their qualities of little shelf life (6 days) during the postharvest.
The present work approaches the study of the handling and treatment poscosecha of the banana tree (Muse spp.) for the fresh market. In the same one, you Cavendish proceeds to the study of the subgroup (AAA), working especially in cultivating Cavendish giant (Jonson). For its investigation, they took samples in the Municipal Company of Several Cultivations, municipality Taguasco, country Sancti-Spíritus. In the theoretical investigation a wide bibliographical revision of the current state of the topic study object was made so much in the national environment as international, where highly producing countries and exporters like the India, Ecuador, Brazil and Costa Rica stand out. They were carried out experimental tests of the variety study object in the laboratory of Bromatología, in the Center of Agricultural Investigations (CIAP). The obtained results were analyzed by means of the statistical package ¨STATISTICA 8.0¨, for their comparison with previous investigations in this same fruit, but in different cultivars. In the results obtained in the determination of the physical-mechanical properties it was shown that the banana fruits possess a medium longitude of 20.85 cm; circumference of 11.25 cm; thickness of the shell of 0.25 cm and thickness of the pulp of 2.85 cm. In other hands the obtained results the impact made showed little resistance to more impacts to the order of 105.94 (J), that which makes it very susceptible to mechanical damages, together to their qualities of little shelf life (6 days) during the postharvest.
Palabras clave
Plátano, Poscosecha.