Evaluar la calidad de los procesos de producción de la adición mineral activa (LC2) en la prueba industrial de la fábrica de Cemento Siguaney
Ramírez Alejo, Raúl Adrián
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de las Villas
El presente trabajo investigativo tiene como objetivo monitorear la producción de una adición mineral activa (LC2) a escala industrial en la fábrica de Cemento de Siguaney. La arcilla empleada para la confección de esta adición es del yacimiento de Yaguajay. Las evaluaciones realizadas incluyen cada una de las etapas a las que fueron sometidas las arcillas como materia prima hasta la obtención de la adición LC2. Las etapas incluyen. Extracción de la arcilla, homogenización, molienda de pasta, calcinación y molienda del LC2. Como resultados finales se obtienen los análisis realizados al material final que incluye, blaine, fineza, por ciento de yeso y caliza. También se ofrecen los resultados de la resistencia de morteros normalizados y la reactividad puzolanica del LC2, donde se puede apreciar la calidad del material obtenido.
The objective of this research work is to monitor the production of an active mineral addition (LC2) on an industrial scale at the Cement de Siguaney factory. The clay used to make this addition is from the Yaguajay field. The evaluations carried out include each of the stages to which the clays were subjected as raw material until obtaining the LC2 addition. The stages include. Clay extraction, homogenization, pulp milling, calcination and grinding of LC2. As final results we obtain the analyzes made to the final material that includes, blaine, fineness, percent of gypsum and limestone. The results of the resistance of standardized mortars and the pozzolanic reactivity of the LC2 are also offered, where the quality of the material obtained can be appreciated.
The objective of this research work is to monitor the production of an active mineral addition (LC2) on an industrial scale at the Cement de Siguaney factory. The clay used to make this addition is from the Yaguajay field. The evaluations carried out include each of the stages to which the clays were subjected as raw material until obtaining the LC2 addition. The stages include. Clay extraction, homogenization, pulp milling, calcination and grinding of LC2. As final results we obtain the analyzes made to the final material that includes, blaine, fineness, percent of gypsum and limestone. The results of the resistance of standardized mortars and the pozzolanic reactivity of the LC2 are also offered, where the quality of the material obtained can be appreciated.
Palabras clave
Adición mineral aditiva, Calidad de los procesos de productivos, Fábrica de cemento de Siguaney