Diseño de una Planta Multipropósito de sulfatos en la provincia de Villa Clara
Fernández Leiva, Rocío
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
En el siguiente trabajo de diploma se diseñó una planta multipropósito para la obtención de sulfato de magnesio y manganeso, con el objetivo de satisfacer la demanda de fertilizantes en nuestro país, a partir de pirolusita y dolomita, minerales yacentes en Villa Clara. Para ello se realizaron los balances de materiales de las dos líneas de producción para 10000 t/año cada una, se diseñaron los equipos correspondientes a escala industrial con el método de escalado, utilizando los criterios de similitud geométrica y velocidad en la punta del agitador constante; se analizó la cinética de los procesos con el método gráfico y se hicieron los diagramas de flujo y la distribución en planta con el programa Visual Basic. Con el diseño óptimo con mínimo costo de operación de una torre de enfriamiento calculado, según la metodología estandarizada del Treybal (1988) y el método de optimización de la Regla de Oro, y los costos de equipamiento, se compararon los costos totales de inversión de las líneas de operación y la planta multipropósito diseñada, con la ayuda de las hojas de cálculo Excel y el Peters & Timmerhaus (1991). El análisis económico demostró la factibilidad del diseño de una Planta Multipropósito para la producción de sulfatos con un período de recuperación de 3.67 años.
Palabras Clave: sulfato de manganeso, sulfato de magnesio heptahidratado, diseño, Planta Multipropósito, costo de operación, análisis económico
In the following diploma work, a multipurpose plant was designed to obtain magnesium and manganese sulfate, with the aim of satisfying the demand for fertilizers in our country, from pyrolusite and dolomite, lying minerals in Villa Clara. For this, the material balances of the two production lines must be carried out for 10,000 t / year each, the equipment corresponding to an industrial scale was designed with the scaling method, using the constant criteria of geometric similarity and speed at the tip of the stirrer. The kinetics of the processes were analyzed with the graphic method and the flow diagrams and the plan distribution were made with the Visual Basic program. With the optimal design with the minimum cost of operation of a reduced speed tower, according to the standardized Treybal (1988) methodology and the Golden Rule optimization method, and equipment costs, the total investment costs of the lines were compared of operation and the multipurpose plant calculated, with the help of Excel spreadsheets and Peters & Timmerhaus (1991). The economic analysis demonstrates the feasibility of designing a Multipurpose Plant for the production of sulfates with a recovery period of 3.67 years. Key Words: manganese sulfate, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, design, Multipurpose Plant, cost of operation, economic analysis
In the following diploma work, a multipurpose plant was designed to obtain magnesium and manganese sulfate, with the aim of satisfying the demand for fertilizers in our country, from pyrolusite and dolomite, lying minerals in Villa Clara. For this, the material balances of the two production lines must be carried out for 10,000 t / year each, the equipment corresponding to an industrial scale was designed with the scaling method, using the constant criteria of geometric similarity and speed at the tip of the stirrer. The kinetics of the processes were analyzed with the graphic method and the flow diagrams and the plan distribution were made with the Visual Basic program. With the optimal design with the minimum cost of operation of a reduced speed tower, according to the standardized Treybal (1988) methodology and the Golden Rule optimization method, and equipment costs, the total investment costs of the lines were compared of operation and the multipurpose plant calculated, with the help of Excel spreadsheets and Peters & Timmerhaus (1991). The economic analysis demonstrates the feasibility of designing a Multipurpose Plant for the production of sulfates with a recovery period of 3.67 years. Key Words: manganese sulfate, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, design, Multipurpose Plant, cost of operation, economic analysis
Palabras clave
Industria Química, Sulfato de Manganeso, Sulfato de Magnesio Heptahidratado, Planta Multipropósito