Una nueva visión hacia el ejercicio de la capacidad de los menores de edad en el código civil cubano
Sánchez Urdanivia, Daniela
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Derecho
El ejercicio de la capacidad de los menores de edad en Cuba está regulado de forma cerrada y estática. Los menores no pueden efectuar ningún acto jurídico eficaz por sí, sino mediante representación legal o autorización para el caso de formalización de matrimonio. El Código Civil cubano establece que los menores con 10 años cumplidos pueden llevar a cabo actos jurídicos para satisfacer sus necesidades normales de la vida diaria sin especificar cuáles son tales actos. Por ello la presente investigación está dirigida a fundamentar las bases teóricas para la correcta regulación de la capacidad civil de los menores de edad en el Código Civil cubano, en función de la eficacia de los actos jurídicos que realicen, contribuyendo al desarrollo del Derecho Civil en Cuba. La misma lleva por título: Una nueva visión hacia el ejercicio de la capacidad de los menores de edad en el Código Civil cubano. Se hace necesario, en la sociedad actual, la valoración de la capacidad natural y progresiva de los menores como presupuesto para el ejercicio de la capacidad y la eficacia de sus actos. De ahí que los resultados a alcanzar están encaminados a aportar las bases teóricas para la regulación adecuada del ejercicio de la capacidad jurídica de los menores de edad en Cuba. Así como fundamentar la implementación de la capacidad natural y progresiva para el ejercicio de la capacidad de los menores de edad y su actuar eficaz en la disciplina civil.
The exercise of capacity by minors in Cuba is regulated by a closed and static way. Minors cannot perform any effective legal act by themselves, but through legal representation or authorization in the case of formalizing marriage. The Cuban Civil Code establishes that minors with 10 years old can carry out legal acts to satisfy their normal needs of daily life without specifying what such acts are. Therefore, the present paper is aimed to establish the theoretical basis for the correct regulation of civil capacity of minors in Cuban Civil Code, based on the effectiveness of the legal acts they carry out, contributing to the development of Civil Law in Cuba. It is entitled: A new vision towards the exercise of the capacity of minors in the Cuban Civil Code. It is necessary, in today´s society, to assess the natural and progressive capacity of minors as a budget for the exercise of capacity and the effectiveness of their actions. Hence, the results to be achieved are aimed to provide the theoretical basis for the adequate regulation of the exercise of legal capacity of minors in Cuba. As well as to base the implementation of natural and progressive capacity for the exercise of the capacity by minors and their effective acts in civil discipline.
The exercise of capacity by minors in Cuba is regulated by a closed and static way. Minors cannot perform any effective legal act by themselves, but through legal representation or authorization in the case of formalizing marriage. The Cuban Civil Code establishes that minors with 10 years old can carry out legal acts to satisfy their normal needs of daily life without specifying what such acts are. Therefore, the present paper is aimed to establish the theoretical basis for the correct regulation of civil capacity of minors in Cuban Civil Code, based on the effectiveness of the legal acts they carry out, contributing to the development of Civil Law in Cuba. It is entitled: A new vision towards the exercise of the capacity of minors in the Cuban Civil Code. It is necessary, in today´s society, to assess the natural and progressive capacity of minors as a budget for the exercise of capacity and the effectiveness of their actions. Hence, the results to be achieved are aimed to provide the theoretical basis for the adequate regulation of the exercise of legal capacity of minors in Cuba. As well as to base the implementation of natural and progressive capacity for the exercise of the capacity by minors and their effective acts in civil discipline.
Palabras clave
Menores de Edad, Capacidad Natural, Actos Jurídicos, Eficacia Jurídica, Minors, Natural Capacity, Legal Acts, Legal Effectiveness