Análisis del comportamiento de las inundaciones en el corredor de drenaje Nela a partir de la simulación hidráulica.
León García, Alfredo
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Ingeniería Hidráulica
A partir de la necesidad de contar con un estudio hidráulico del corredor de drenaje Nela
que sea de utilidad para la toma de decisiones en su reconstrucción, se realiza este
trabajo el cual brinda los mapas de inundación a partir de la simulación hidráulica para
diferentes caudales, con el empleo de ArcGIS y HEC-RAS, para ello se describe el
procedimiento utilizado en la realización del modelo y se concluyó que el corredor se
desborda en varias secciones para caudales relativamente bajos comparados con los
que debe conducir por lo que se recomienda el análisis de este trabajo para emitir criterios
en la elaboración del proyecto final de reconstrucción.
From the need to have a hydraulic study of the Nela drainage corridor that is useful for decision making in its reconstruction, this work is carried out which provides the flood maps from the hydraulic simulation for different flows, with the use of ArcGIS and HECRAS, for this the procedure used in the realization of the model is described and it was concluded that the corridor overflows in several sections for relatively low flows compared to those that must be driven, so the analysis is recommended of this work to issue criteria in the elaboration of the final reconstruction project
From the need to have a hydraulic study of the Nela drainage corridor that is useful for decision making in its reconstruction, this work is carried out which provides the flood maps from the hydraulic simulation for different flows, with the use of ArcGIS and HECRAS, for this the procedure used in the realization of the model is described and it was concluded that the corridor overflows in several sections for relatively low flows compared to those that must be driven, so the analysis is recommended of this work to issue criteria in the elaboration of the final reconstruction project
Palabras clave
Inundaciones, Corredor de Drenaje Nela, Simulación Hidráulica