Memoria de trabajo y planificación de acciones en adolescentes con trastornos de conducta de la provincia de Villa Clara y Camagüeyy
Fraga Durán, Glenda
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
La cuestión de si los déficits en las funciones ejecutivas (FE) en edades tempranas están asociados con problemas de conducta, continúa siendo polémica. El objetivo de la presente investigación es caracterizar los procesos de memoria de trabajo y planificación de acciones en adolescentes con Trastorno de Conducta (TC) de las provincias de Villa Clara y Camagüey.
Para lograr este propósito, se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo desde el paradigma cuantitativo con 192 adolescentes del sexo masculino entre 12-15 años de edad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 96 adolescentes con TC (grupo de estudio) y 96 sin el trastorno estudiado (grupo de control). La evaluación neuropsicológica se realizó a través de las pruebas automatizadas contenidas en el Psychology Experiment Building Language 0.14 (PEBL): Cubos de Corsi y Torre de Londres (TOL). Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizó el procesador estadístico SPSS, versión 0.21.
Los resultados obtenidos indican diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo de estudio y el grupo de control en las pruebas empleadas para evaluar ambas funcionesejecutivas. Los adolescentes con Trastorno de conducta mostraron deficiencias en la memoria de trabajo asociadas a la retención y manipulación de la información durante cortos períodos de tiempo. Con respecto a la planificación de acciones, se encontraron dificultades en la capacidad para elaborar, mantener y ejecutar un plan de acción que facilitara la resolución de la prueba, en el grupo de estudio. Estos resultados sugieren deficiencias en el funcionamiento ejecutivo de los procesos estudiados en los adolescentes con Trastorno de conducta.
The question whether executive function (EF) deficits in early ages are associated with conduct problems remains controversial. The objective of the present investigation was to characterize the processes of working memory and action planning, in adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) in Villa Clara and Camagüey. In order to achieve this purpose, a descriptive study from the quantitative paradigm was developed with 192 adolescents of the masculine sex among 12-15 years of age. The sample was composed by 96 adolescents with CD (study group) and 96 without studied disorder (control group). The neuropsychological evaluation was carried out through the automated tests contained in the Psychology Experiment Building Language 0.14 (PEBL): Corsi Block-Tapping and Tower of London (TOL). The processing of data was carried out using the statistical package SPSS version 21. The obtained results indicate significant statistically differences between the study group and the control group, in the tests used to evaluate both executive functions. The adolescents with conduct disorder showed deficiencies in the work memory associated to the retention and manipulation of the information during short periods of time. Regarding action planning, were found difficulties in the capacity to elaborate, to maintain and to execute an action plan that facilitated the resolution of the test applied in the study group. These results suggest deficiencies in the executive functioning of the processes studied in the adolescents with conduct disorder.
The question whether executive function (EF) deficits in early ages are associated with conduct problems remains controversial. The objective of the present investigation was to characterize the processes of working memory and action planning, in adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) in Villa Clara and Camagüey. In order to achieve this purpose, a descriptive study from the quantitative paradigm was developed with 192 adolescents of the masculine sex among 12-15 years of age. The sample was composed by 96 adolescents with CD (study group) and 96 without studied disorder (control group). The neuropsychological evaluation was carried out through the automated tests contained in the Psychology Experiment Building Language 0.14 (PEBL): Corsi Block-Tapping and Tower of London (TOL). The processing of data was carried out using the statistical package SPSS version 21. The obtained results indicate significant statistically differences between the study group and the control group, in the tests used to evaluate both executive functions. The adolescents with conduct disorder showed deficiencies in the work memory associated to the retention and manipulation of the information during short periods of time. Regarding action planning, were found difficulties in the capacity to elaborate, to maintain and to execute an action plan that facilitated the resolution of the test applied in the study group. These results suggest deficiencies in the executive functioning of the processes studied in the adolescents with conduct disorder.
Palabras clave
Funciones Ejecutivas, Memoria de Trabajo, Planificación de Acciones, Trastorno de Conducta, Executive Functions, Working Memory, Action Planning, Conduct Disorder