La comunicación oral en idioma inglés: vía esencial para fortalecer la identidad nacional, latinoamericana y caribeña
Hernández García, María Virginia
Sánchez Morales, Dinorah Sofía
Bernal Díaz, Pedro Santiago
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La necesidad de transformar la enseñanza del idioma ingles según las exigencias del mundo actual alineada a la nueva política del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas para formar profesionales competentes capaces de contribuir al desarrollo económico y social. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar la comunicación oral en idioma ingles para potenciar el conocimiento de la identidad nacional, latinoamericana y del Caribe y el intercambio cultural en la enseñanza superior a través de acciones que tributen a la identidad cultural. La metodología asumida es la dialéctica marxista con un enfoque mixto que combina tanto lo cualitativo como lo cuantitativo. Los resultados esperados: realizar revisión bibliográfica, presentar trabajos en eventos nacionales e internacionales entre otros. La introducción de las nuevas tecnologías y el acceso a Internet permite consultar bibliografía diversa y especializada tanto en Ingles como en Español, lo que presupone la necesidad de la preparación ideológica, reforzar los valores, profundizar en los conceptos de identidad nacional, latinoamericana y caribeña y promover el intercambio cultural entre los diversos pueblos de nuestra región.
The need to transform the teaching of the English language according to the demands of the current world aligned with the new policy of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to train competent professionals capable of contributing to economic and social development. The objective of the paper is to develop oral communication in English to enhance the knowledge of national, Latin American and Caribbean identity and cultural exchange in higher education through actions that contribute to cultural identity. The methodology assumed is the Marxist dialectic with a mixed approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. The expected results: carry out a bibliographic review, present papers in national and international events, among others. The introduction of new technologies and Internet access allows consulting diverse and specialized bibliography in both English and Spanish, which presupposes the need for ideological preparation, reinforcing values, deepening the concepts of national, Latin American and Caribbean identity and promote cultural exchange between the various peoples of our region.
The need to transform the teaching of the English language according to the demands of the current world aligned with the new policy of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages to train competent professionals capable of contributing to economic and social development. The objective of the paper is to develop oral communication in English to enhance the knowledge of national, Latin American and Caribbean identity and cultural exchange in higher education through actions that contribute to cultural identity. The methodology assumed is the Marxist dialectic with a mixed approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. The expected results: carry out a bibliographic review, present papers in national and international events, among others. The introduction of new technologies and Internet access allows consulting diverse and specialized bibliography in both English and Spanish, which presupposes the need for ideological preparation, reinforcing values, deepening the concepts of national, Latin American and Caribbean identity and promote cultural exchange between the various peoples of our region.
Palabras clave
Identidad Nacional, Comunicación, Cultura, Idioma Inglés, National Identity, Communication, Culture, English Language