Actividades prácticas para desarrollar habilidades manuales en la Unidad 2 de 9no grado en la asignatura Educacion Laboral
López Tejeda, Yovany Ramón
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento de Educacion Laboral - Informática. Licenciatura en Educación: Especialidad Laboral-Informática.
A partir de las necesidades que presentan los estudiantes de Secundaria Básica en la
asignatura Educación Laboral en la Unidad # 2 sobre el desarrollo de habilidades
manuales en la confección de artículos, el cual constituyó un punto de partida para el
autor, con el objetivo de elaborar actividades prácticas para contribuir al desarrollo de
habilidades en la construcción de artículos con papel, cartón y cartulina.
En la misma se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico tales como: el analítico-sintético, el
inductivo-deductivo y el tránsito de lo abstracto a lo concreto y el enfoque de sistema.
Se emplearon además métodos del nivel empírico, entre los que se encuentran: la
encuesta, la entrevista, la observación a clases y la entrevista a la directora del centro,
así como métodos del nivel matemático como el cálculo porcentual. Para resolver las
necesidades detectadas, se proponen un total de 10 actividades con carácter interactivo
y reflexivo que contribuirá a lograr en los adolescentes de la muestra la convivencia a
partir de las relaciones armónicas con sus compañeros, la comunicación adecuada, el
trabajo en equipo para lograr crecer con los demás, decidir y actuar con juicio crítico
frente a los valores y normas sociales, nutrirse de los conocimientos necesarios,
desarrollar sus habilidades, valores y actitudes que se reflejen en su comportamiento al
enfrentar los desafíos diarios de la vida y proyectarse un futuro mejor.
Starting from the necessities that the students present of Secondary Basic in the subject Labor Education in the Unit #2 on the development of manual abilities in the making of articles, which constituted a starting point for the author, with the objective of elaborating practical activities to contribute to the development of abilities in the construction of articles with paper, cardboard and Bristol board. In the same one methods of the such theoretical level were used as: the analytic- synthetic one, the inductive-deductive one and the traffic of the abstract thing to the concrete thing and the system focus. They were also used methods of the empiric level, among those that are: the survey, the interview, the observation to classes and the interview to the director of the center, as well as methods of the mathematical level as the percentage calculation. To solve the detected necessities, they intend a total of 10 activities with character interactive and reflexive that will contribute to achieve in the adolescents of the sample the coexistence starting from the harmonic relationships with their partners, the appropriate communication, the work in team to be able to grow with the other ones, to decide and to act with critical trial in front of the values and social norms, to be nurtured of the necessary knowledge, to develop their abilities, values and attitudes that are reflected in their behavior when facing the daily challenges of the life and to be projected a future better.
Starting from the necessities that the students present of Secondary Basic in the subject Labor Education in the Unit #2 on the development of manual abilities in the making of articles, which constituted a starting point for the author, with the objective of elaborating practical activities to contribute to the development of abilities in the construction of articles with paper, cardboard and Bristol board. In the same one methods of the such theoretical level were used as: the analytic- synthetic one, the inductive-deductive one and the traffic of the abstract thing to the concrete thing and the system focus. They were also used methods of the empiric level, among those that are: the survey, the interview, the observation to classes and the interview to the director of the center, as well as methods of the mathematical level as the percentage calculation. To solve the detected necessities, they intend a total of 10 activities with character interactive and reflexive that will contribute to achieve in the adolescents of the sample the coexistence starting from the harmonic relationships with their partners, the appropriate communication, the work in team to be able to grow with the other ones, to decide and to act with critical trial in front of the values and social norms, to be nurtured of the necessary knowledge, to develop their abilities, values and attitudes that are reflected in their behavior when facing the daily challenges of the life and to be projected a future better.
Palabras clave
Educación Secundaria, Estudiantes, Educación Laboral, Habilidades, Actividades