Reducción de ruido en imágenes de mamografía con contraste de fases obtenida mediante haces de sincrotrón
Brizuela Cardoso, Javier David
Ruiz Gonzalez, Yusely
Perez Díaz, Marlen
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La mamografía con contraste de fase (CF) usando haces de sincrotrón ha mostrado cuantitativamente mejores resultados en cuanto contraste de imagen y detección de pequeños detalles respecto a las técnicas digitales convencionales hospitalarias. Sin embargo, esta nueva técnica muestra mayores niveles de ruido aleatorio que en los equipos de mamografía digital convencionales, por lo que el objetivo del presente trabajo fue reducir ruido en dichas imágenes hasta niveles semejantes a los de los equipos hospitalarios. Se procesaron 23 imágenes de mamografías realizadas a un maniquí antropomórfico, obtenidas mediante técnicas con CF usando radiación X de sincrotrón, bajo diferentes condiciones de adquisición en cuanto a energía del haz y dosis en SYRMED, Trieste, Italia. El procesamiento de estas imágenes fue basado en filtrado clásico, bilateral y familia de la Transformada Wavelet. Se cuantificó, mediante indicadores de calidad de imagen, la relación señal a ruido (SNR), contraste (C), figura de mérito (FoM) y la visibilidad de detalle (V), así como la resolución espacial a través de la Función de Transferencia de la Modulación (MTF) en regiones de interés sobre las imágenes filtradas con las diferentes técnicas y en las originales sin filtrar. Se estudió estadísticamente el desempeño de los filtros, buscando los que propician la mejor calidad de imagen. Se apreció el aumento del indicador de calidad de imagen SNR. Con respecto a V, C y resolución espacialno fue afectado sensiblemente, lo cual demuestra la superioridad en calidad de imagen de esta novedosa técnica para la detección de pequeñas lesiones como microcalcificaciones y masas de bajo contraste.
Mammography with phase contrast (CF) using synchrotron beams has shown quantitatively better results in terms of image contrast and detection of small details compared to conventional hospital digital techniques. However, this new technique shows higher levels of random noise than in the equipment of Conventional digital mammography, so the objective of this work was to reduce noise in these images to levels similar to those of hospital equipment. 23 mammography images were performed on an anthropomorphic phantom, obtained by means of CF techniques using synchrotron X radiation, under different conditions of acquisition in terms of beam energy and dose inSYRMED, Trieste, Italy. The processing of these images was based on classic, bilateral filtering and Wavelet Transform family. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast (C), was quantified using image quality indicators. figure of merit (FoM) and detail visibility (V), as well as spatial resolution through the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) in regions of interest on images filtered with different techniques and in originals without filter. The performance of the filters was statistically studied, looking for those that favor the best image quality. The increase in the SNR image quality indicator was appreciated. With respect to V, C and spatial resolution, it was not significantly affected, which demonstrates the superior image quality of this novel technique for the detection of small lesions such as microcalcifications and low contrast masses.
Mammography with phase contrast (CF) using synchrotron beams has shown quantitatively better results in terms of image contrast and detection of small details compared to conventional hospital digital techniques. However, this new technique shows higher levels of random noise than in the equipment of Conventional digital mammography, so the objective of this work was to reduce noise in these images to levels similar to those of hospital equipment. 23 mammography images were performed on an anthropomorphic phantom, obtained by means of CF techniques using synchrotron X radiation, under different conditions of acquisition in terms of beam energy and dose inSYRMED, Trieste, Italy. The processing of these images was based on classic, bilateral filtering and Wavelet Transform family. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast (C), was quantified using image quality indicators. figure of merit (FoM) and detail visibility (V), as well as spatial resolution through the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) in regions of interest on images filtered with different techniques and in originals without filter. The performance of the filters was statistically studied, looking for those that favor the best image quality. The increase in the SNR image quality indicator was appreciated. With respect to V, C and spatial resolution, it was not significantly affected, which demonstrates the superior image quality of this novel technique for the detection of small lesions such as microcalcifications and low contrast masses.
Palabras clave
Mamografía con Contraste - Fase, Técnicas de Filtrado, Calidad de Imagen, Phase Contrast Mammography, Digital Filter, Image Quality
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