Evaluación de la calidad espermática de sementales porcinos utilizados en la monta natural
Hernández Roque, Idania
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Universidad Central ´´Marta Abreu´´ de Las Villas
Para evaluar la calidad espermática de sementales de unidades porcinas con monta natural, se evaluaron 55 eyaculados de verracos de las razas Duroc-Jersey,
Yorkshire y Landrace entre los meses de Junio y Agosto de 2011. Se analizó el volumen, concentración, motilidad, aglutinación, anomalías espermáticas; así como la presencia de Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Escherichia coli y su impacto en
algunos de estos parámetros. Del total de muestras analizadas, 53 (96,4%) presentaron anomalías en la cabeza y el capuchón; 45 (81,8%) en la cola; 39 (70,9%) en el cuello y 5 (9,1%) en la parte intermedia. La concentración espermática y la motilidad se encontraban dentro del rango establecido para cada variable; 250 x 106 epz./mL, y entre 60 y el 85%, respectivamente. El volumen del eyaculado, para las cuatro unidades evaluadas, se mostró dentro del rango establecido pero por debajo del valor promedio (200 mL). Del total de muestras analizadas, 46 muestras (83,6%) mostraron aglutinación ligera (+), 7 muestras (12,7%) mostraron
espermatozoides aglutinados (++), 2 muestras (3,6%) no aglutinados y no se observaron muestras con espermatozoides muy aglutinados (+++). Se determinó Coliformes Totales en 45 muestras (81,8%), E. coli en 24 muestras (43,6%) y
Pseudomonas aeruginosa en 33 muestras (60,0%). Se evidenció que la presencia de P. aeruginosa implica una disminución significativa de la motilidad (p<=0,000139). Los
parámetros espermáticos no se afectaron por la edad de los sementales; sin embargo, la motilidad fue afectada por la raza, siendo Yorkshire la de mejor comportamiento.
To assess sperm quality of boars in pig farms with natural mating, a total of 55 ejaculates from boars of the Duroc-Jersey, Yorkshire and Landrace were evaluated between June and August 2011. The analysis included the volume, concentration, motility, sperm agglutination and abnormalities of each sample. The presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, and its impact on some of these parameters, was also determined. From the total of samples analyzed, 53 (96,4%) showed abnormalities in the head and cap; 45 (81,8%) in the tail; 39 (70,9%) in the neck and 5 (9,1%) in the intermediate part. Sperm concentration and motility were within the range established for each variable, 250 x 106 epz./mL, and between 60 and 85%, respectively. The volume of the ejaculate in the boars of the four farms was in the range but below the average value (200 mL). 46 samples (83,6%) showed slight agglutination (+), 7 samples (12,7%) showed sperm agglutinated (++), 2 samples (3,6%) were not agglutinated and it was not observed very agglutinated semen samples (+++). Total coliforms were determined in 45 samples (81,8%), E. coli in 24 samples (43,6%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 33 samples (60,0%). It was demonstrated that the presence of P. aeruginosa interfered with motility in a significant manner (p<=0,000139). Sperm parameters were not affected by the age of boars, but motility was affected by race, being the best performing Yorkshire
To assess sperm quality of boars in pig farms with natural mating, a total of 55 ejaculates from boars of the Duroc-Jersey, Yorkshire and Landrace were evaluated between June and August 2011. The analysis included the volume, concentration, motility, sperm agglutination and abnormalities of each sample. The presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, and its impact on some of these parameters, was also determined. From the total of samples analyzed, 53 (96,4%) showed abnormalities in the head and cap; 45 (81,8%) in the tail; 39 (70,9%) in the neck and 5 (9,1%) in the intermediate part. Sperm concentration and motility were within the range established for each variable, 250 x 106 epz./mL, and between 60 and 85%, respectively. The volume of the ejaculate in the boars of the four farms was in the range but below the average value (200 mL). 46 samples (83,6%) showed slight agglutination (+), 7 samples (12,7%) showed sperm agglutinated (++), 2 samples (3,6%) were not agglutinated and it was not observed very agglutinated semen samples (+++). Total coliforms were determined in 45 samples (81,8%), E. coli in 24 samples (43,6%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in 33 samples (60,0%). It was demonstrated that the presence of P. aeruginosa interfered with motility in a significant manner (p<=0,000139). Sperm parameters were not affected by the age of boars, but motility was affected by race, being the best performing Yorkshire
Palabras clave
Cerdo, Semen