Libros, Capítulos y Monografías – Departamento de Tecnología Educativa

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En esta colección están depositados los Libros, Capítulos y Monografías publicados por personal afiliado al Departamento de Tecnología Educativa


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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    ICT for learning and inclusion in Latin America and Europe
    (2020-02) Santana Botana, Lourdes Miriam; Andreu Gómez, Nancy; Bilbao Consuegra, Maida Librada; Martínez Consuegra, Juan Gustavo; Palacios Morales, Carlos Javier; González Peña, Raúl; Llópiz Guerra, Karel; Tomczyk, Łukasz; Oyelere, Solomon Sunday
    Cuba is gradually developing a computerization process of its society, by which all social and economic spheres receive inestimable benefits. The educational sector is revolutionized with the appearance of new technologies for learning. Pedagogy is being improved as new ways of teaching and learning appear with the use of digital resources. Digital inclusion of all groups and sectors that for one reason or another have limitations for access to ICT, is among the main objectives of Cuban society. The present chapter ventures into this issue and systematically exposes achievements, projections and barriers still existing for the gradual digital inclusion of the disabled, elderly, women, children and young people from rural schools in remote areas. Educational experiences that have been obtained are addressed, as well as pedagogical and technological challenges that still need to be resolved in order to reduce the digital divide in Cuba.
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Temas Escogidos de Pedagogía
    (Feijóo, 2017) Boullosa Torrecilla, Armando; Ríos Rodríguez, Lydia Rosa; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento de Tecnología Educativa
  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Digital inclusion in Cuba. Challenges and experiencies
    (Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej i Andragogiki Institute of Educational Studies, 2019-12) Santana Botana, Lourdes Miriam; Andreu Gómez, Nancy; Bilbao Consuegra, Maida L.; Martínez Consuegra, Juan G.; Palacios Morales, Carlos J.; Gonzalez Peña, Raúl; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento de Tecnologíoa Educativa; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Especial; Łukasz, Tomczyk; Oyeler, Solomon Sunday
    We are presenting a unique research report dedicated to the use of digital media in education and digital inclusion. It is unique because of the countries which contributed to this monograph showing the common challenges and differences present in the selected regions of Latin America and Europe. The monograph is the result of a systemic document analysis in: Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, Poland, Turkey and Uruguay. It is the effect of participation of representatives of selected universities in the project “Smart Ecosystem for Learning and Inclusion” - ERANet17/ ICT-0076 SELI, the aim of which is to: identify the challenges in the use of ICT as a tool for learning and inclusion; initiate broad stakeholder dialogue and consultation to screen potential educational, technical and business solutions for the challenges; implement knowledge transfer of tested and effective solutions rooted within the media pedagogy paradigm of opportunities and create an education platform with tools to support work with disadvantaged individuals and groups such as migrants, the elderly, the physically challenged, and the deaf and dumb. This book is a milestone for the analyses of the existing documentation, conducted by the representatives of nine academic centres. The results presented herein refer to the results of investigations into the key areas of digitally supported education and activities facilitating social inclusion and its subcategory – digital inclusion. Every chapter presents the general contexts of using the ICTs in education in the perspective of the development of the society saturated with the Internet and digital devices – the new media. Authors of the individual texts try to emphasise the meaning of digital literacy and data reflecting the level of digital gap, as well as the challenges faced by the selected European, Latin American and Caribbean (the Dominican Republic) countries. They also refer to the local, regional and governmental social policies, presenting the contexts – and good practices – in which preparation of teachers to use ICT, the process of reducing the digital divide and improving digital literacy take place. An important element of the work was to outline the issues relating to the educational innovation like: blockchain, digital storytelling, flipped learning, personalised learning or sharing pedagogy. The publication is an overview, however, the texts are the attempts to diagnose and determine the role of the certain actors responsible for the process of successful digital inclusion and implementation of innovative ICT-based solutions into the formal and informal education. The selected chapters also form a catalogue of good practices implemented in the certain countries. Such point of view may prove particularly useful for further research in the field of comparative pedagogy, media in education, adult education or social policies. We hope that this theoretical compilation will provide a valuable perspective for exchanging learning experiences through the transfer of the best solutions and presentation of the challenges faced by the countries participating in the SELI project.
Los Libros, Capítulos y Monografías depositados en esta colección son Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, o la misma ha obtenido las autorizaciones requeridas para ejecutar el depósito de estos materiales en el Repositorio Digital.