Libros, Capítulos y Monografías – Centro de Estudios de Mecánica Computacional y Métodos Numéricos en la Ingeniería (CIMNE).

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En esta colección están depositados los Libros, Capítulos y Monografías publicados por personal afiliado al Centro de Estudios de Mecánica Computacional y Métodos Numéricos en la Ingeniería (CIMNE).


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  • ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    A Model Describing the Rhetorical Structure and Linguistic Elements of the Abstract Section of Cardiology Research Articles in English
    (Editorial Feijóo, 2022-02-22) Angel Rodríguez, Naliet; Bernal Díaz, Pedro Santiago; Rodriguez Ruiz, Mayra; Vasconcelos Alonso, Lucia; Velázquez Brito, Julia del Carmen; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultadad de Construcciones. CIMNE; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Centro de Idiomas; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento de Lengua Inglesa; Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Centro de Idiomas; Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de Villa Clara. Facultad de Psicologia; Artiles Castro, Miriam
    The Abstract section is particularly important because it offers different communicative functions such as presenting, describing, stating, summarizing evaluating and sometimes, recommending. That is why, the aim of the present study is to propose a model describing the rhetorical structure and linguistic elements used in the Abstract section of Cardiology research articles in English. To accomplish this purpose, a special corpus of ninety research article abstracts from three specialized Cardiology journals was compiled and processed by AntMover 1.10 (2016) and AntConc 3.5.8 Window (2019), two corpus analysis softwares. As a result, it was designed a rhetorical model consisting in five moves in the Abstract section. The designed model will contribute to improve the academic writing of research articles abstracts in English by Cuban cardiologists. It will also help them to meet the international scientific community demands of their publications. Furthermore, the findings will make an important contribution to the field of ESP pedagogy as they offer authentic material, which could be used for the teaching and learning of English writing.
Los Libros, Capítulos y Monografías depositados en esta colección son Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, o la misma ha obtenido las autorizaciones requeridas para ejecutar el depósito de estos materiales en el Repositorio Digital.