Procedimiento para transformar en tesauros los vocabularios controlados de las bibliotecas asociadas a la red TIC del Proyecto VLIR en Cuba
Acosta Bravo, Andisleydis
Fernández Rivas, Lisbelys
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
Los lenguajes controlados asociados a las normas para la construcción de tesauros, así como los modelos computacionales y sus diversos procedimientos, hacen posible la creación de un procedimiento para la automatización de tesauros en las bibliotecas asociadas a la Red TIC del Proyecto VLIR en Cuba. Se destaca en la investigación la aplicación de métodos matemáticos y las diversas técnicas como la Ley de Zip, TF-IDF, N-grams y Stop World Elimination, aportando un enfoque mixto predominantemente cuantitativo. La creación de un procedimiento que proporcione la transformación de los vocabularios controlados en un lenguaje interoperable, facilita la indización y la recuperación eficiente de la información, erradicando las problemáticas relacionadas a dichos fenómenos informacionales.
The controlled languages associated with the standards for the construction of thesauri, as well as the computational models and their various procedures, make possible the creation of a procedure for the automation of thesauri in the libraries associated with the ICT Network of the VLIR project in Cuba. The application of mathematical methods and the various techniques such as Zip Law, TF-IDF, N-grams and Stop World Elimination are highlighted in the research, providing a predominantly quantitative mixed approach. The creation of a procedure that provides the transformation of the controlled vocabularies in an interoperable language, facilitates the indexing and the efficient recovery of the information, eradicating the problems related to said informational phenomena.
The controlled languages associated with the standards for the construction of thesauri, as well as the computational models and their various procedures, make possible the creation of a procedure for the automation of thesauri in the libraries associated with the ICT Network of the VLIR project in Cuba. The application of mathematical methods and the various techniques such as Zip Law, TF-IDF, N-grams and Stop World Elimination are highlighted in the research, providing a predominantly quantitative mixed approach. The creation of a procedure that provides the transformation of the controlled vocabularies in an interoperable language, facilitates the indexing and the efficient recovery of the information, eradicating the problems related to said informational phenomena.
Palabras clave
Lenguajes Controlados, Lenguaje Interoperable, Modelos Computacionales, Procedimiento para la Automatización de Tesauros, Bibliotecas, Red TIC, Controlled Languages, Interoperable Language, Computer Models, Procedure for the Automation of Thesaurus, Libraries, ICT Network