Correlación existente entre el contenido de sólidos solubles totales y grado de acidez con las longitudes de ondas obtenidas mediante la espectroscopia Vis/NIR en la poscosecha del cultivo de la frutabomba (Carica papaya L.)
Yanes Nodal, Victor Manuel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Departamento de Ingeniería Agrícola
La investigación se desarrolló con el fin de determinar el contenido de sólidos solubles totales y
el grado de acidez en el cultivo de la frutabomba durante su etapa de poscosecha, mediante el
uso de la técnica de espectroscopia Vis/NIR, para la obtención de resultados más precisos con
menor gasto de recursos y tiempo. Los espectros de las muestras de frutabomba fueron
obtenidos en condiciones de laboratorio, mediante la utilización de un espectrofotómetro
Vis/NIR portátil en el modo de reflectancia, ajustándose un rango de longitud de onda entre 379
– 1671 nm. Los modelos matemáticos se desarrollaron en Matlab 7.9 mediante técnicas
multivariadas de regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS). Esta técnica facilitó la
correlación entre los espectros de reflectancia con el contenido de sólidos solubles totales y el
pH de las muestras, determinados por métodos convencionales. El método de pre-tratamiento
espectral utilizado fue el de Corrección de Señal Multiplicativa (MSC), Primera Derivada de
Savitzky – Golay, Suavizado y Centrado medio. Se utilizó la técnica de validación cruzada
(Leave One Out), para optimizar la complejidad de los modelos. Los mejores resultados en la
predicción de las variables analizadas se obtuvieron en las muestras recolectadas a los 6 días
The research was developed in order to determine the content of total soluble solids and the degree of acidity in the cultivation of the pawpaw during its post-harvest stage, by using the Vis/NIR spectroscopy technique, to obtain more results precise with less expenditure of resources and time. The spectra of the pawpaw samples were obtained in laboratory conditions, by using a portable Vis/NIR spectrophotometer in the reflectance mode, adjusting a wavelength range between 379 - 1671 nm. Mathematical models were developed in Matlab 7.9 using multivariate partial least squares regression (PLS) techniques. This technique facilitated the correlation between the reflectance spectra with the content of total soluble solids and the pH of the samples, determined by conventional methods. The spectral pre-treatment method used was the Multiplicative Signal Correction (MSC), Savitzky First Derivative - Golay, Smoothing and Middle Centering. The technique of cross validation (Leave One Out) was used to optimize the complexity of the models. The best results in the prediction of the analyzed variables were obtained in the samples collected at 6 days post-harvest.
The research was developed in order to determine the content of total soluble solids and the degree of acidity in the cultivation of the pawpaw during its post-harvest stage, by using the Vis/NIR spectroscopy technique, to obtain more results precise with less expenditure of resources and time. The spectra of the pawpaw samples were obtained in laboratory conditions, by using a portable Vis/NIR spectrophotometer in the reflectance mode, adjusting a wavelength range between 379 - 1671 nm. Mathematical models were developed in Matlab 7.9 using multivariate partial least squares regression (PLS) techniques. This technique facilitated the correlation between the reflectance spectra with the content of total soluble solids and the pH of the samples, determined by conventional methods. The spectral pre-treatment method used was the Multiplicative Signal Correction (MSC), Savitzky First Derivative - Golay, Smoothing and Middle Centering. The technique of cross validation (Leave One Out) was used to optimize the complexity of the models. The best results in the prediction of the analyzed variables were obtained in the samples collected at 6 days post-harvest.
Palabras clave
Poscosecha, Frutabomba, Carica papaya L., Espectroscopia Vis/NIR