Evaluación del cultivo artesanal de Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1766) en agua de mar, como alternativa pesquera de comunidades asociadas a áreas marinas protegidas
Quesada Pérez, Liliana Olga
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas.Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias.Departamento de Biología
En este trabajo se evalúa la idoneidad del cultivo de la tilapia Oreochromis niloticus como alternativa pesquera sostenible en comunidades asociadas a dos áreas marinas protegidas: La Ballona (Reserva Natural Padre Ramos, Nicaragua) y Punta Alegre (asociada al Parque Nacional Los Caimanes, Cuba). Se evaluaron los tres aspectos que se le imponen a una alternativa de este tipo: 1) su factibilidad económica (en lo que se involucran aspectos biológicos como adaptación al agua de mar, índices de crecimiento diario y de conversión alimentaria, factor de condición, tiempo de crecimiento) y factores puramente económicos (gastos e ingresos), 2) amigabilidad ambiental y 3) aceptación de la comunidad. El cultivo logró la adaptabilidad al agua de mar en 25 días con un 99,8% de supervivencia, 5 meses para alcanzar 460 g, índice de conversión de 1.29 y factor de condición final de 1.4, que justifican una alta rentabilidad demostrada en un flujo de caja. Se valoran las respuestas a posibles impactos ambientales negativos, a los que se les da respuesta tecnológica, y una encuesta a los pescadores demuestra la aceptación por la comunidad de la alternativa. La tecnología empleada se diseñó ajustada a condiciones artesanales, posible de ejecutarse por comunitarios sin una capacitación técnica elevada.
In this work, the suitability of the Oreochromis niloticus tilapia culture as a sustainable fishing alternative in communities associated with two marine protected areas is evaluated: La Ballona (Padre Ramos Nature Reserve, Nicaragua) and Punta Alegre (associated with the Los Caimanes National Park, Cuba). The three aspects that are imposed on an alternative of this type were evaluated: 1) its economic feasibility (in which biological aspects are involved such as adaptation to sea water, daily growth rates and food conversion, condition factor, time of growth) and purely economic factors (expenses and income), 2) environmental friendliness and 3) acceptance of the community. The crop reached adaptability to seawater in 25 days, 99.8% survival, 5 months to reach 460 g, conversion rate of 1.29 and final condition factor of 1.4, which justify a high profitability that is demonstrated in a cash flow. The responses to possible negative environmental impacts are valued, to which a technological response is given, and a survey of the fishermen demonstrates the acceptance by the community of the alternative. The technology used was designed according to artisanal conditions, possible to be implemented by community members without high technical training.
In this work, the suitability of the Oreochromis niloticus tilapia culture as a sustainable fishing alternative in communities associated with two marine protected areas is evaluated: La Ballona (Padre Ramos Nature Reserve, Nicaragua) and Punta Alegre (associated with the Los Caimanes National Park, Cuba). The three aspects that are imposed on an alternative of this type were evaluated: 1) its economic feasibility (in which biological aspects are involved such as adaptation to sea water, daily growth rates and food conversion, condition factor, time of growth) and purely economic factors (expenses and income), 2) environmental friendliness and 3) acceptance of the community. The crop reached adaptability to seawater in 25 days, 99.8% survival, 5 months to reach 460 g, conversion rate of 1.29 and final condition factor of 1.4, which justify a high profitability that is demonstrated in a cash flow. The responses to possible negative environmental impacts are valued, to which a technological response is given, and a survey of the fishermen demonstrates the acceptance by the community of the alternative. The technology used was designed according to artisanal conditions, possible to be implemented by community members without high technical training.
Palabras clave
Oreochromis Niloticus, Tilapia, Areas Marinas Protegidas, Sustainable Fishing Alternative