Propuesta de esquema de abasto de agua potable a los municipios Placetas y Fomento
Ruíz de la Cruz, Elianni
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Construcciones. Departamento de Hidráulica
En el presente trabajo se realizó un estudio para conducir agua potable hasta los poblados de Placetas y Fomento, pertenecientes a las provincias de Villa Clara y Sancti Spíritus respectivamente beneficiando a los asentamientos poblacionales y pueblos cercanos al trazado de las conductoras hacia cada uno de los destinos antes mencionados. La fuente de abasto de la cual se tomará el agua es la presa Santa Clara, donde se construirá una estación de bombeo la cual bombeará el agua hasta una planta de tratamiento ubicada en la loma de Báez. Luego se conducirá el agua utilizando la fuerza de gravedad hacia los depósitos correspondientes ubicados en cada poblado. Para alcanzar un correcto diseño del sistema es imprescindible la acertada búsqueda de los fundamentos teóricos esenciales del esquema hidráulico, determinar la población de cada poblado y su respectiva demanda de agua, diseñar adecuadamente cada elemento del esquema para posterior valoración económica. Para lograr una efectividad en el diseño se utilizó el software WaterGEMS el cual facilitó el proceso de cálculo, este diseño se llevó a cabo según las últimas regulaciones y normas vigentes en Cuba, relacionadas con el sector hidráulico. La finalidad de la investigación es conducir el agua hasta los tanques correspondientes a cada pueblo para posterior distribución.
In the present work, a study was conducted to bring drinking water to the towns of Placetas and Fomento, belonging to the provinces of Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus respectively, benefiting the population settlements and villages near the route of the conductors to each of the destinations aforementioned. The supply source from which the water will be taken is the Santa Clara dam, where a pumping station will be built, which will pump the water to a treatment plant located on the Báez hill. The water will then be conducted using the force of gravity to the corresponding deposits located in each town. In order to achieve a correct design of the system, it is essential to search for the essential theoretical foundations of the hydraulic scheme, determine the population of each town and its respective water demand, design each element of the scheme for subsequent economic valuation. To achieve an effectiveness in the design, the WaterGEMS software was used, which facilitated the calculation process, this design was carried out according to the latest regulations and standards in force. The purpose of the investigation is to drive the water to the tanks corresponding to each town for later distribution.
In the present work, a study was conducted to bring drinking water to the towns of Placetas and Fomento, belonging to the provinces of Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus respectively, benefiting the population settlements and villages near the route of the conductors to each of the destinations aforementioned. The supply source from which the water will be taken is the Santa Clara dam, where a pumping station will be built, which will pump the water to a treatment plant located on the Báez hill. The water will then be conducted using the force of gravity to the corresponding deposits located in each town. In order to achieve a correct design of the system, it is essential to search for the essential theoretical foundations of the hydraulic scheme, determine the population of each town and its respective water demand, design each element of the scheme for subsequent economic valuation. To achieve an effectiveness in the design, the WaterGEMS software was used, which facilitated the calculation process, this design was carried out according to the latest regulations and standards in force. The purpose of the investigation is to drive the water to the tanks corresponding to each town for later distribution.
Palabras clave
Abasto de agua potable, Placetas, Fomento