Diseño Hidráulico de turbinas Michell-Banki para respaldo de generación de energía de consumo en la Central Hidroeléctrica Hanabanilla
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Dainer
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
Este proyecto se centra en el diseño hidráulico de una central mini hidroeléctrica a instalar en un emplazamiento adecuado dentro de la CHE Hanabanilla para ello. La motivación reside en el gran desarrollo de las energías renovables programado para el año 2020 en el Plan de Fomento de Energías Renovables 2020-2030, y posteriormente corregido los lineamientos de la Política Económica y Social de la Revolución basado en la Ley 81 el medio Ambiente.
El Plan de Energías Renovables, que concretamente establece un incremento de la potencia instalada en centrales hidráulicas de carácter renovable de 450 MW para la minihidráulicas (centrales de potencia menor de 10 MW) y de 360MW para las centrales de entre 10 MW y 50 MW.
Los pasos que se van a seguir en el proyecto son los siguientes:
- Elección de un emplazamiento adecuado dentro de la CHE para instalar una central mini hidroeléctrica. El proyecto se orientará hacia la instalación de una central dentro de otra central de pie de presa, aprovechando una tubería existente, y en la medida de lo posible, la infraestructura hidráulica ya instalada, como conducciones forzadas o la propia obra civil, a fin de reducir la inversión a realizar y minimizar el impacto ambiental.
- Determinación de las condiciones y parámetros hidráulicos de operación (caudal nominal y salto neto nominal). A partir de estas condiciones se podrá elegir el tipo y tamaño de la turbina a instalar.
This project focuses on the hydraulic design of a mini hydroelectric plant to be installed in an appropriate location within the Hanabanilla CHE for this purpose. The motivation lies in the great development of renewable energies scheduled for 2020 in the Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energies 2020-2030, and subsequently corrected the guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Revolution based on the Law 81 the Environment. The Renewable Energy Plan, which specifically establishes an increase in installed power in renewable hydropower plants of 450 MW for mini-hydro plants (power plants under 10 MW) and 360 MW for plants between 10 MW and 50 MW. The steps that will be followed in the project are the following: Choice of an appropriate site within the CHE to install a mini hydroelectric plant. The project will be oriented towards the installation of a power station inside another power station, taking advantage of an existing pipeline, and as far as possible, the hydraulic infrastructure already installed, such as forced conduits or the civil work itself, in order to reduce the investment to be made and minimize the environmental impact. Determination of hydraulic operating conditions and parameters (nominal flow and nominal net jump). From these conditions you can choose the type and size of the turbine to be installed.
This project focuses on the hydraulic design of a mini hydroelectric plant to be installed in an appropriate location within the Hanabanilla CHE for this purpose. The motivation lies in the great development of renewable energies scheduled for 2020 in the Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energies 2020-2030, and subsequently corrected the guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Revolution based on the Law 81 the Environment. The Renewable Energy Plan, which specifically establishes an increase in installed power in renewable hydropower plants of 450 MW for mini-hydro plants (power plants under 10 MW) and 360 MW for plants between 10 MW and 50 MW. The steps that will be followed in the project are the following: Choice of an appropriate site within the CHE to install a mini hydroelectric plant. The project will be oriented towards the installation of a power station inside another power station, taking advantage of an existing pipeline, and as far as possible, the hydraulic infrastructure already installed, such as forced conduits or the civil work itself, in order to reduce the investment to be made and minimize the environmental impact. Determination of hydraulic operating conditions and parameters (nominal flow and nominal net jump). From these conditions you can choose the type and size of the turbine to be installed.
Palabras clave
Energía renovable, Diseño hidráulico