Digestión anaerobia del residuo de secadero de la producción de arroz en sistema semicontinuo
Zayas González, Mildre
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Universidad Central ``Marta Abreu`` de Las Villas. Facultad de Química y Farmacia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química
En el presente trabajo se evaluó el proceso de monodigestión anaerobia de residuos del secadero de arroz (RS) de la Empresa de Granos “Sur del Jíbaro” y su codigestión con residuos vacunos (RV) y porcinos (RP)en sistema semicontinuo. ElRSse estudió a escala de laboratorio en un reactor tanque con agitación, durante 70 días de operación en régimen mesofílico (37ºC). La carga orgánica volumétrica (COV) se incrementó de 0,5 a 3 g SV/Lden monodigestión, y luego se mantuvo a 3 g SV/Ld en el estudio en codigestión para las mezclas RS96:RV2:RP2, RS94:RV4:RP2yRS92:RV6:RP2 (en base al % de sólidos volátiles en la mezcla).El mejor rendimiento de biogás (ybiogás) se obtuvo durante la codigestión para la mezcla RS92:RV6:RP2 con un valor de705,48 L/gSV y una productividad de biogás de 2,42 LBiogás/LReactor para COV de 3 g SV/Ld. El ybiogás fue superior en un 28% al del RS en monodigestión. El análisis económico evidenció la factibilidad de la inversión para el tratamiento anaerobio de estos residuos, con un VAN=863 138,88 USD, TIR=12% y PR=7,4 años. Además se muestra el impacto ambiental positivo ya que se dejan de emitir anualmente 3,00 t de CO2eq al medio ambiente
In the present work, was evaluated the anaerobic monodigestion process of waste from the rice dryer residue (RS) of the Enterprise "Sur del Jíbaro" and its codigestion with vacune (RV) and porcine (RP) residues in semicontinuous system. The RS was studied on a laboratory scale in a tank reactor with agitation, during 70 days of operation in mesophilic regime (37 ºC). The Volumetric Organic Load (COV) was increased from 0,5 to 3 g SV / Ld in monodigestion, and then kept at 3 g SV / Ld in the study for the mixtures RS96: RV2: RP2, RS94: RV4: RP2 and RS92: RV6: RP2 (based on the % volatile solids in the mixture). The best biogas yield (ybiogas) was obtained during codigestion for the RS92: RV6: RP2 mixture with a value of 705.48 L / gSV and a biogas productivity of 2,42 LBiogas / LReactor for COV of 3 g SV / Ld. ybiogas was 28% higher than RS in monodigestion. The economic analysis showed the feasibility of the investment for the anaerobic treatment of these residues, with a VAN = 863 138.88 USD, TIR = 12% and PR = 7,4 years. The positive environmental impact is also shown, since 3,00 t of CO2eq are no longer released to the environment every year.
In the present work, was evaluated the anaerobic monodigestion process of waste from the rice dryer residue (RS) of the Enterprise "Sur del Jíbaro" and its codigestion with vacune (RV) and porcine (RP) residues in semicontinuous system. The RS was studied on a laboratory scale in a tank reactor with agitation, during 70 days of operation in mesophilic regime (37 ºC). The Volumetric Organic Load (COV) was increased from 0,5 to 3 g SV / Ld in monodigestion, and then kept at 3 g SV / Ld in the study for the mixtures RS96: RV2: RP2, RS94: RV4: RP2 and RS92: RV6: RP2 (based on the % volatile solids in the mixture). The best biogas yield (ybiogas) was obtained during codigestion for the RS92: RV6: RP2 mixture with a value of 705.48 L / gSV and a biogas productivity of 2,42 LBiogas / LReactor for COV of 3 g SV / Ld. ybiogas was 28% higher than RS in monodigestion. The economic analysis showed the feasibility of the investment for the anaerobic treatment of these residues, with a VAN = 863 138.88 USD, TIR = 12% and PR = 7,4 years. The positive environmental impact is also shown, since 3,00 t of CO2eq are no longer released to the environment every year.
Palabras clave
Secadero de Arroz “Sur del Jíbaro”, Sancti Spíritus, Digestión Anaerobia, Medio Ambiente, Monodigestión Anaerobia, Reactor Semicontinuo, Codigestión