El tratamiento a la personalidad histórica de Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz en el proceso educativo del grado preescolar
Catoira Monteagudo, Madeleine
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Departamento Educación Preescolar. Licenciatura en Educación Preescolar.
El trabajo presenta los fundamentos teóricos y metodológicos que sustentan el
tratamiento al contenido personalidades históricas en el proceso educativo del grado
preescolar, así como el tratamiento a la personalidad histórica de Fidel Alejandro Castro
Ruz, teniendo en cuenta los resultados del proceso de perfeccionamiento del currículo
preescolar cubano, en función de elevar la calidad del proceso educativo en el grado
preescolar. El diagnóstico del estado actual del tratamiento al contenido personalidades
históricas, específicamente a la personalidad histórica de Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz,
demostró la ausencia de materiales con orientaciones concretas que contribuyan con el
abordaje de esta personalidad en el grado preescolar, en correspondencia con los retos
actuales del currículo de la Primera Infancia y los fundamentos que sustentan su
perfeccionamiento. Para alcanzar los resultados deseados con esta investigación, se
aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos, matemáticos y estadísticos e instrumentos de
investigación. Para dar solución a la problemática, se elabora un Material Didáctico para
dar tratamiento a la personalidad histórica de Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, en el proceso
educativo del grado preescolar, con orientaciones metodológicas para su
implementación en la práctica. El material propuesto responde a una necesidad
detectada en la práctica y su contenido está concebido a partir de los elementos que
fundamentan el perfeccionamiento del currículo de la Primera Infancia. Los
especialistas consultados consideran que el Material Didáctico es pertinente y
contribuye a elevar la calidad de las actividades relacionadas con el contenido
personalidades históricas, ajustando sus orientaciones a un currículo más flexible,
integral y contextualizado.
The work presents the theoretical and methodological foundations that sustain the treatment to the contained historical personalities in the educational process of the degree preschooler, as well as the treatment to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, keeping in mind the results of the process of improvement of the curriculum Cuban preschooler, in function of elevating the quality of the educational process in the degree preschooler. The diagnosis of the current state of the treatment to the contained historical personalities, specifically to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, demonstrated the absence of materials with concrete orientations that contribute with the boarding of this personality in the degree preschooler, in correspondence with the current challenges of the curriculum of the First Childhood and the foundations that sustain its improvement. To reach the results wanted with this investigation, theoretical, empiric, mathematical and statistical methods and investigation instruments were applied. The investigator, to give solution to the problem, contributes a didactic Material to give treatment to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, in the educational process of the degree preschooler, with methodological orientations for her implementation in the practice. The proposed material responds to a necessity detected in the practice and its content is conceived starting from the elements that base the improvement of the curriculum of the First Childhood. The consulted specialists consider that the Didactic Material is pertinent and it contributes to raise the quality of the activities related with the contained historical personalities, adjusting their orientations to a more flexible, integral and contextualized curriculum.
The work presents the theoretical and methodological foundations that sustain the treatment to the contained historical personalities in the educational process of the degree preschooler, as well as the treatment to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, keeping in mind the results of the process of improvement of the curriculum Cuban preschooler, in function of elevating the quality of the educational process in the degree preschooler. The diagnosis of the current state of the treatment to the contained historical personalities, specifically to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, demonstrated the absence of materials with concrete orientations that contribute with the boarding of this personality in the degree preschooler, in correspondence with the current challenges of the curriculum of the First Childhood and the foundations that sustain its improvement. To reach the results wanted with this investigation, theoretical, empiric, mathematical and statistical methods and investigation instruments were applied. The investigator, to give solution to the problem, contributes a didactic Material to give treatment to Fidel's historical personality Alejandro Castro Ruz, in the educational process of the degree preschooler, with methodological orientations for her implementation in the practice. The proposed material responds to a necessity detected in the practice and its content is conceived starting from the elements that base the improvement of the curriculum of the First Childhood. The consulted specialists consider that the Didactic Material is pertinent and it contributes to raise the quality of the activities related with the contained historical personalities, adjusting their orientations to a more flexible, integral and contextualized curriculum.
Palabras clave
Educación Preescolar, Primera Infancia, Educación de la Primera Infancia, Material Didáctico, Proceso de Aprendizaje