En la ruta del dinero, la inversión de capital estadounidense durante la primera ocupación militar en la provincia de Santa Clara
Benítez Toboso, Laura
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Derecho
Las condiciones de Cuba durante el período 1898 a 1902 fueron óptimas para que el capital estadounidense se arriesgara a invertir en la Isla, violando las prohibiciones directas del Congreso. Durante la etapa las tierras, inmuebles y compañías pasaron de ser cubanas a ser estadounidenses. El presente trabajo caracteriza el proceso de movilidad de la propiedad durante la época descrita, con énfasis en el caso particular de Las Villas, donde el capital doméstico contrapesó en cierta medida la oleada inversionista extranjera. La investigación aborda los modos mediante los cuales inversionistas estadounidenses se valieron de las sociedades anónimas, colectivas y comanditarias, así como de posibles testaferros, para encubrir la entrada del capital norteño.
The conditions of Cuba during the period from 1898 to 1902 were optimal for the US capital to risk investing in the Island, in violation of the direct prohibitions of the Congress. During the stage the land, property and companies went from being Cuban to being American. The present work characterizes the process of property transferal during the period described, with emphasis on the particular case of Las Villas, where domestic capital offset to some extent the surge of foreign investment. The investigation addresses the ways in which US investors used public limited companies, joint and limited companies, as well as possible frontmen, to cover the entry of northern capital.
The conditions of Cuba during the period from 1898 to 1902 were optimal for the US capital to risk investing in the Island, in violation of the direct prohibitions of the Congress. During the stage the land, property and companies went from being Cuban to being American. The present work characterizes the process of property transferal during the period described, with emphasis on the particular case of Las Villas, where domestic capital offset to some extent the surge of foreign investment. The investigation addresses the ways in which US investors used public limited companies, joint and limited companies, as well as possible frontmen, to cover the entry of northern capital.
Palabras clave
Propiedad, Derecho, Property, Epoch, Right