La interdisciplinariedad en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendiza de la Química en noveno grado
Santana Medina, José Alejandro
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Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Media. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales
En los momentos actuales se le ha concedido gran importancia al tema de la interdisciplinariedad como parte de la formación integral del educando, objetivo de la Educación. La interdisciplinariedad se puede demostrar mediante el estudio de las distintas disciplinas, sin embargo, las asignaturas que integran las Ciencias Naturales, están estrechamente relacionadas, de forma tal, que se hace imposible no reconocer a una en la otra; no obstante, no siempre se aprovechan por los docentes, todas las potencialidades de su vinculación para la dirección metodológica utilizando las distintas vías. Para la Secundaria Básica en Cuba integran las Ciencias Naturales asignaturas como: Biología y Química, entre otras. La presente investigación está dirigida a contribuir al desarrollo del proceso de la enseñanza -aprendizaje interdisciplinario de la Química y la Biología en el 9no grado. A partir del diagnóstico realizado se aprecian dificultades en este tema y se propone la utilización de Ejercicios Interdisciplinarios que relacionen la Química con la Biología. Se han empleado métodos del nivel empírico, teórico y matemáticos-estadísticos durante todas las etapas investigativas. La valoración por evaluadores externos ha permitido perfeccionar la propuesta.
At present, great importance has been given to the subject of interdisciplinarity as part of the integral formation of the student, the objective of Education. Interdisciplinarity can be demonstrated by studying the different disciplines, however, the subjects that make up the Natural Sciences are closely related, in such a way that it becomes impossible not to recognize one in the other; however, teachers do not always take advantage of all the potential of their connection to the methodological direction using the different routes. For the Basic Secondary School in Cuba they integrate Natural Sciences subjects such as: Biology and Chemistry, among others. This research is aimed at contributing to the development of the interdisciplinary teaching-learning process of Chemistry and Biology in 9th grade. From the diagnosis made, difficulties in this matter are appreciated and the use of Interdisciplinary Exercises that relate Chemistry to Biology is proposed. Empirical, theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods have been used during all the investigative stages. The evaluation by external evaluators has allowed the proposal to be refined.
At present, great importance has been given to the subject of interdisciplinarity as part of the integral formation of the student, the objective of Education. Interdisciplinarity can be demonstrated by studying the different disciplines, however, the subjects that make up the Natural Sciences are closely related, in such a way that it becomes impossible not to recognize one in the other; however, teachers do not always take advantage of all the potential of their connection to the methodological direction using the different routes. For the Basic Secondary School in Cuba they integrate Natural Sciences subjects such as: Biology and Chemistry, among others. This research is aimed at contributing to the development of the interdisciplinary teaching-learning process of Chemistry and Biology in 9th grade. From the diagnosis made, difficulties in this matter are appreciated and the use of Interdisciplinary Exercises that relate Chemistry to Biology is proposed. Empirical, theoretical and mathematical-statistical methods have been used during all the investigative stages. The evaluation by external evaluators has allowed the proposal to be refined.
Palabras clave
Ciencias Naturales, Educación, Educación Superior, Interdisciplinariedad, Biología, Química, Educación Secundaria