Análisis estructural del plan táctico de los judokas en la etapa de iniciación del municipio de Santa Clara
Alcántara Oviedo, Yanet Adelka
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Cultura Física. Departamento de Didáctica del Deporte
Se realizó un estudio acerca del proceso de preparación técnico-táctica de los
judokas escolares en la categoría 9-10 años del municipio de Santa Clara, visto
como un fenómeno complejo. Donde se trató de estimular la habilidad solucionar
problemas en correspondencia con el análisis estructural del plan táctico y en
respuesta al adversario durante el combate. Esto depende de las condiciones del
contexto en que opera el judoka para dar cumplimiento a las tareas planteadas por
su entrenador, en torno a las exigencias impuestas por diferentes factores. Aquí para
que se garantice una sostenibilidad de las transformaciones educativas en los
judokas escolares y que, a la vez, permita obtener efectividad de realización, de
manera sostenible en el tiempo de combate; se debe atender oportunamente la
tendencia al equilibrio entre lo físico, lo técnico y lo táctico. Todo ello, sobre una base
teórica y psicológica que implique el empleo de una nueva herramienta para construir
nuevos modos de combatir, donde está siendo falta clases de pizarra con vistas a
que el judoka aprenda a sentir como reflexionar tácticamente. Se emplearon
diferentes métodos; en el orden práctico, se destacan la revisión documental, la
observación y la entrevista a entrenadores de Judo; mientras que en el orden teórico
se centró el estudio en torno a los métodos de análisis y síntesis, inducción y
deducción, así como el enfoque de sistema en el diseño de mapas conceptuales de
orientación técnico-táctica para el combate con tareas en Judo.
A study was made about the process of technical-tactical preparation of school judokas in the category 9-10 years of the municipality of Santa Clara, seen as a complex phenomenon. Where it was tried to stimulate the ability to solve problems in correspondence with the structural analysis of the tactical plan and in response to the adversary during the combat. This depends on the conditions of the context in which the judoka operates to fulfill the tasks set by his coach, around the demands imposed by different factors. Here so that it is guaranteed a sustainability of the educational transformations in the school judokas and that, at the same time, allows to obtain effectiveness of accomplishment, of sustainable way in the time of combat; The tendency to balance between the physical, the technical and the tactical must be attended to in a timely manner. All this, on a theoretical and psychological basis that implies the use of a new tool to build new ways of fighting, where there is a lack of blackboard classes so that the judoka learns how to reflect tactically. Different methods were used; in the practical order, the documentary review, observation and interview of Judo coaches stand out; while in the theoretical order the study centered around the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as the system approach in the design of conceptual maps of technical-tactical orientation for the combat with tasks in Judo.
A study was made about the process of technical-tactical preparation of school judokas in the category 9-10 years of the municipality of Santa Clara, seen as a complex phenomenon. Where it was tried to stimulate the ability to solve problems in correspondence with the structural analysis of the tactical plan and in response to the adversary during the combat. This depends on the conditions of the context in which the judoka operates to fulfill the tasks set by his coach, around the demands imposed by different factors. Here so that it is guaranteed a sustainability of the educational transformations in the school judokas and that, at the same time, allows to obtain effectiveness of accomplishment, of sustainable way in the time of combat; The tendency to balance between the physical, the technical and the tactical must be attended to in a timely manner. All this, on a theoretical and psychological basis that implies the use of a new tool to build new ways of fighting, where there is a lack of blackboard classes so that the judoka learns how to reflect tactically. Different methods were used; in the practical order, the documentary review, observation and interview of Judo coaches stand out; while in the theoretical order the study centered around the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as the system approach in the design of conceptual maps of technical-tactical orientation for the combat with tasks in Judo.
Palabras clave
judo-preparación técnico-táctica