Indicadores para el control del rendimiento defensivo en jardineras de Softbol de Villa Clara.
Martínez Peláez, Anabel
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Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y el Deporte."Manuel Fajardo"
En la investigación realizada han quedado reconocidas las insuficiencias que
justifican el problema científico, el cual se centra en saber ¿Cómo mejorar el
proceso de control de rendimiento defensivo en jardineras de Softbol del alto
rendimiento en Villa Clara?; dicho problema queda resuelto al establecer los
indicadores para el control del rendimiento defensivo en jardineras antes
mencionadas, para ello, se diagnostica el estado actual del conocimiento de dicho
control, se determinan los indicadores y se valora la propuesta a partir del criterio
de especialistas. En la obtención de dichos resultados intervienen 12 profesores
deportivos del alto rendimiento, 24 atletas de la EIDE Provincial de Villa Clara y del
deporte de primera categoría, además una muestra intencional de 10 profesores
considerados especialistas, apoyándonos además en la revisión documental, la
entrevista, la encuesta, la observación científica, la tormenta de ideas, el
matemático estadístico y la triangulación. Los principales resultados nos
permitieron constatar la necesidad del establecimiento de indicadores que faciliten
el control y la preparación defensiva en jardineras en el Softbol, su determinación
fue posible por los resultados obtenidos por la tormenta de ideas, así como el
estudio crítico de la teoría especializada, sobre la base de los aspectos que
condicionan y determinan el rendimiento defensivo en jardineras. Finalmente los
especialistas refieren que la propuesta tiene valor científico por su utilidad social y
se proyecta adecuadamente a la solución del problema.
In the investigation have been recognized the deficiencies that justify the scientific problem, which focuses on knowing how to improve process control of defensive performance in flower boxes of high performance in Villa Clara softball; this problem is resolved by establishing indicators for control of the defensive performance in planters that I mentioned, therefore is diagnosed the current state of knowledge of that control, determines the indicators and valued the proposal from the criterion of the specialist, 12 sports teachers of the high performance, 24 athletes from EIDE province of Villa Clara and first class sport are involved in obtaining these results, also relying on the document review, interview, survey, scientific observation, brainstorming, the mathematical, statistician and triangulation. The main results have allowed us to confirm the need for the establishment of indicators that facilitate control and defensive preparedness in softball planters, their determination made possible by the result obtained by the storm of ideas, as well as the critical study of the theory specialized based on the aspect that condition and determined defensive performance in flower boxes. Finally specialist concerned that the proposal as scientific value for its social utility and is projected properly to the solution of the problem.
In the investigation have been recognized the deficiencies that justify the scientific problem, which focuses on knowing how to improve process control of defensive performance in flower boxes of high performance in Villa Clara softball; this problem is resolved by establishing indicators for control of the defensive performance in planters that I mentioned, therefore is diagnosed the current state of knowledge of that control, determines the indicators and valued the proposal from the criterion of the specialist, 12 sports teachers of the high performance, 24 athletes from EIDE province of Villa Clara and first class sport are involved in obtaining these results, also relying on the document review, interview, survey, scientific observation, brainstorming, the mathematical, statistician and triangulation. The main results have allowed us to confirm the need for the establishment of indicators that facilitate control and defensive preparedness in softball planters, their determination made possible by the result obtained by the storm of ideas, as well as the critical study of the theory specialized based on the aspect that condition and determined defensive performance in flower boxes. Finally specialist concerned that the proposal as scientific value for its social utility and is projected properly to the solution of the problem.
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