Análisis y evaluación de riesgos en los procesos de re- motorización. Aplicación en el taller de reparaciones generales de las FAR de la región central de Villa Clara




Ortiz Amaya, Reinier

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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas


The process of re motorization constitutes an alternative and/or solution road to different situations problémicas of transport of personal, it loads or another existent nature at the present time product of the economic situation that crosses the country, for what becomes necessary to study this processes to minimize the defects that can exist in the same one. In the work they were thematic fundamental as characterization of the company, definitions of quality of the processes, and in I specify of remotorización. For the realization of this investigation we chose the Shop of General Repairs belonging to the FAR, the objective of the same one consists on applying a procedure for the analysis and evaluation of the shortcomings in the processes of re motorization on the base of the tools for the administration of risks, specifically the Modal Analysis of Shortcomings and Goods (AMFE), for the kindness that it toasts in the elimination of the existent inefficiencies in the reduction of the operative costs and minimizing the possible ways of shortcomings for the clients. Tocarry out the investigative work and the achievement of the proposed objectives they were used technical of analysis and collection of data, interviews and observation of the work that allowed to apply the procedure selected in the bibliographical revision. As a result of the work they are left established the risks and ways of shortcomings that are implicit in the remotorizatión process, as well as the stocks proposed correctives, besides offering to this unit a tool to plan and to control the same ones.


Palabras clave

Transporte, Proceso de Re-motorización, Calidad


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