Evaluación de la monografía de control de calidad del polvo obtenido de las hojas de la Guarea guidonia L.
Morrell Triana, Aymet María
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La Guarea guidonia L., conocida comúnmente como yamagua, ha sido utilizada en la medicina tradicional cubana como hemostática por pacientes con trastornos sanguíneos por ejemplo los hemofílicos y se considera además una planta muy astringente. Como parte de los estudios que permitiría evaluar un ingrediente farmacéutico herbario obtenido de esta planta, en el presente trabajo se estableció la monografía analítica del polvo de las hojas de Guarea guidonia L. y se aplicó la misma a distintos lotes recolectados de la planta a lo largo de todo un año. La monografía propuesta incluyó ensayos de identificación (reacciones de coloración, análisis macro y micromorfológico y cromatografía en capa delgada), ensayos generales (elementos extraños, pérdida por desecación, cenizas totales y cenizas insolubles en ácido clorhídrico) y el ensayo cuantitativo (determinación de taninos totales), no descritos con anterioridad para dicha especie vegetal. Se determinaron los límites de especificación para todos los ensayos cuantitativos, aplicando el método de Bowker. Como resultado se obtuvo que la pérdida por desecación del polvo no debe exceder de 9 %. Las cenizas totales no deben superar el 10 % y las cenizas insolubles en ácido clorhídrico no deben exceder el 4 %. Se utilizó como técnica de análisis cuantitativo, la espectrofotometría UV indirecta (método de Folin-Ciocalteau) para la determinación de taninos totales en base a pirogalol. El seguimiento cromatográfico en capa delgada y el reconocimiento cualitativo con UV detección a 365 nm demostró la presencia de compuestos fenólicos. El polvo de la hoja de Guarea guidonia L. contiene no menos de un 1 % de taninos, metabolito mayoritario responsable de las acciones farmacológicas que se le atribuyen a la planta. Los resultados obtenidos se corresponden con los valores registrados para otras plantas en las farmacopeas actuales.
Guarea guidonia L., commonly known as Yamagua, has been used in the Cuban traditional folklore as homeostatic in patients with blood disorders for example the hemophilic and it is considered a plant very astringent. In the present work was established the analytical monograph of leafs powder of Guarea guidonia L for evaluate an pharmaceutical ingredient starting from this plant and was applied to different batches collected during one year. The proposed monograph included assays of identification (coloration reactions, macro and micro morphologic analysis and thin layer chromatography), specific test (foreign material, loss a drying, total ash and insoluble ash in chloridric acid) and the quantitative assay (totals tannins), not described anterior for the vegetal specie. The specification limits were carried out for all the quantitative assays, applying the Bowker method. The loss drying of powder not should exceed of 9 %. The total ash not should exceed 10 % and insoluble ash in chloridric acid not should exceed the 4%. The Indirect ultraviolet spectrophotometric detection (Folin-Ciocalteau method) was used as quantitative analysis technique for the determination of totals tannins in basis to pirogalol. The chromatographic develop in thin layer and the qualitative determination with UV detection to 365 nm demonstrated the presence of phenolic compounds. Guarea guidonia L. powder plant content not minor of 1 % of tannins, mayor metabolite responsible of the pharmacological actions attributed to this plant. The obtained results are in correspondence with plants described in the modern pharmacopoeias.
Guarea guidonia L., commonly known as Yamagua, has been used in the Cuban traditional folklore as homeostatic in patients with blood disorders for example the hemophilic and it is considered a plant very astringent. In the present work was established the analytical monograph of leafs powder of Guarea guidonia L for evaluate an pharmaceutical ingredient starting from this plant and was applied to different batches collected during one year. The proposed monograph included assays of identification (coloration reactions, macro and micro morphologic analysis and thin layer chromatography), specific test (foreign material, loss a drying, total ash and insoluble ash in chloridric acid) and the quantitative assay (totals tannins), not described anterior for the vegetal specie. The specification limits were carried out for all the quantitative assays, applying the Bowker method. The loss drying of powder not should exceed of 9 %. The total ash not should exceed 10 % and insoluble ash in chloridric acid not should exceed the 4%. The Indirect ultraviolet spectrophotometric detection (Folin-Ciocalteau method) was used as quantitative analysis technique for the determination of totals tannins in basis to pirogalol. The chromatographic develop in thin layer and the qualitative determination with UV detection to 365 nm demonstrated the presence of phenolic compounds. Guarea guidonia L. powder plant content not minor of 1 % of tannins, mayor metabolite responsible of the pharmacological actions attributed to this plant. The obtained results are in correspondence with plants described in the modern pharmacopoeias.
Palabras clave
Medicina Tradicional, Medicine, Traditional, Plantas Medicinales, Plants, Medicinal, Guarea guidonia L., Acciones Farmacológicas, Pharmacologic Actions, Hemostáticos, Hemostatics