Propuesta de indicadores para la evaluación de la calidad de los Servicios de Información de Medicamentos
Machado Rivero, Manuel Osvaldo
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Universidad de Granada (España)
Introducción: A pesar que los Servicios de Información de Medicamentos han demostrado su utilidad y relevancia para la práctica clínica, así como que el sector sanitario constituye uno de los abanderados en la gestión de la calidad; resulta contrastante el hecho de que no se disponga de un conjunto de indicadores que permita evaluar la calidad de los Servicios de Información de Medicamentos tanto a nivel nacional como internacional.
Objetivo: Proponer indicadores para la evaluación de la calidad de los Servicios de Información de Medicamentos aplicables a los Servicios Farmacéuticos Cubanos.
Metodología: Se aplica un enfoque cualitativo para la ejecución de esta investigación, siendo empleados métodos del nivel empírico y teórico. Se escogió un grupo de 10 especialistas provenientes de las Ciencias de la Información y Farmacéuticas atendiendo a su experiencia y conocimiento sobre los servicios de información. El cual sesionó durante varias jornadas aplicando como técnica la tormenta de ideas, para finalmente obtener una propuesta de variables e indicadores con la finalidad de ser aplicados para evaluar la calidad de los Servicios de Información sobre Medicamentos en Cuba. La propuesta anterior fue sometida a un proceso de validación mediante criterio de expertos, para lo cual se escogieron 15 profesionales atendiendo a su coeficiente de experticia (8 farmacéuticos y 7 de las Ciencias de la Información), cifra que permitió alcanzar un error estimado no superior al 5 %. Los indicadores fueron desarrollados atendiendo fundamentalmente a lo estipulado por la norma UNE 66175.
Resultados: El panel de especialistas tras 15 jornadas de secesiones elaboró una propuesta de 12 variables y 67 indicadores. Todas las variables e indicadores fueron validadas, requiriéndose de una segunda ronda solo para el caso de los indicadores: Actualización de los fondos, Consultas Respondidas y Grado Científico de los Recursos Humanos. Cada uno de los indicadores se acompañó de criterios de medida y de un valor de referencia para establecer valoraciones respecto al desempeño de los primeros. Se establecieron escalas cuali y cuantitativas para valorar los resultados de indicadores, variables y el servicio en general. La combinación de especialistas y expertos de las dos especialidades mencionadas permitió un abordaje más profundo e integral.
Conclusiones: Se desarrolla un instrumento evaluativo compuesto por 12 variables y 67 indicadores, flexible y aplicable a los Servicios de Información de Medicamentos en el entorno de los Servicios Farmacéuticos Cubanos, lo cual de por si constituyó un aporte novedoso de esta investigación. Esta herramienta permite el análisis de los mencionados servicios de información desde las tres perspectivas de la calidad en salud: estructura, procesos y resultados; permitiendo además un acercamiento a la filosofía de gestión de la calidad total.
Introduction: The Drug Information Services have proven their usefulness and relevance to clinical practice as well as the health sector has become leader in quality management. However, there are not indicators available to measure the quality of the Drug Information Service, both nationally and internationally. Aim: To propose indicators for evaluating the quality of information services applicable to Cuban Pharmaceutical Services. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used to the implementation of this research, methods from empirical and theoretical level are applied. A group of 10 specialists from the Information Sciences and Pharmaceutical was chosen basis in their experience and knowledge about information services. This group worked during several days using the brainstorming technique to generate new ideas to finally get a proposed variables and indicators in order to be used to evaluate the quality of the Drug Information Services in Cuba. The above proposal was submitted to a validation process by expert judgment, for which 15 professionals were chosen according to their coefficient of expertise (8 pharmaceutical and 7 of Information Sciences), a figure which achieved an estimated error not exceeding 5%. The indicators were developed primarily in response to the provisions of the UNE 66175. Results: After 15 work sessions, the specialist’s panel prepared a proposal for 12 variables and 67 indicators. All variables and indicators were validated using Delphi's method, a second round for validation was required for three indicators: Update of funds, queries answered and Scientific Degree of Human Resources. Each indicator was developed with a measurement criteria and a reference value for establishing valuations regarding its performance. Qualitative and quantitative scales were established to assess the results of indicators, variables and overall service. The combination of specialists and experts from the two fields mentioned allowed a deeper and more comprehensive approach Conclusions: An applicable and flexible instrument for Drug Information Service quality measurement was validated, according to the work environment of the Cuban Pharmaceutical Services. This tool, with 12 variables and 67 indicators, allows the analysis of the mentioned services from the three perspectives of quality in health services: structure, process and outcomes; also allowing an approach to the philosophy of total quality management, which in itself is a novel contribution of this research.
Introduction: The Drug Information Services have proven their usefulness and relevance to clinical practice as well as the health sector has become leader in quality management. However, there are not indicators available to measure the quality of the Drug Information Service, both nationally and internationally. Aim: To propose indicators for evaluating the quality of information services applicable to Cuban Pharmaceutical Services. Methodology: A qualitative approach was used to the implementation of this research, methods from empirical and theoretical level are applied. A group of 10 specialists from the Information Sciences and Pharmaceutical was chosen basis in their experience and knowledge about information services. This group worked during several days using the brainstorming technique to generate new ideas to finally get a proposed variables and indicators in order to be used to evaluate the quality of the Drug Information Services in Cuba. The above proposal was submitted to a validation process by expert judgment, for which 15 professionals were chosen according to their coefficient of expertise (8 pharmaceutical and 7 of Information Sciences), a figure which achieved an estimated error not exceeding 5%. The indicators were developed primarily in response to the provisions of the UNE 66175. Results: After 15 work sessions, the specialist’s panel prepared a proposal for 12 variables and 67 indicators. All variables and indicators were validated using Delphi's method, a second round for validation was required for three indicators: Update of funds, queries answered and Scientific Degree of Human Resources. Each indicator was developed with a measurement criteria and a reference value for establishing valuations regarding its performance. Qualitative and quantitative scales were established to assess the results of indicators, variables and overall service. The combination of specialists and experts from the two fields mentioned allowed a deeper and more comprehensive approach Conclusions: An applicable and flexible instrument for Drug Information Service quality measurement was validated, according to the work environment of the Cuban Pharmaceutical Services. This tool, with 12 variables and 67 indicators, allows the analysis of the mentioned services from the three perspectives of quality in health services: structure, process and outcomes; also allowing an approach to the philosophy of total quality management, which in itself is a novel contribution of this research.
Palabras clave
Servicio de Información de Medicamentos, Servicios de Información, Indicadores, Calidad, Drug Information Services, Drug Information