Actualización del diagnóstico ambiental en la obtención de la Furvina en el Centro Bioactivos Químicos
Sánchez Domínguez, Lidia Osmaira
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Centro de Bioactivos Químicos.
En la producción de la Furvina se generan desechos peligrosos y no peligrosos que son adversos para el ambiente. Las condiciones naturales y socioeconómicas del entorno donde se encuentran ubicadas las diferentes áreas del Centro de Bioactivos Químicos influyen sobre los factores ambientales involucrados, así como el desempeño básico del Centro que permite la garantía de productos y servicios de calidad a los clientes. El objetivo de este trabajo es actualizar el diagnóstico ambiental del Centro de Bioactivos Químicos en correspondencia con la metodología establecida por la Autoridad Ambiental. Para el desarrollo del trabajo se recogieron y analizaron datos y se evaluó el desempeño ambiental teniendo en cuenta balances de flujo de materiales, identificación y evaluación del cumplimiento de las regulaciones ambientales y sanitarias aplicables, uso, consumo y calidad de las aguas, uso de la energía, calidad del aire, ruido y vibraciones, residuales líquidos, residuales sólidos, productos químicos, combustibles y lubricantes, desechos peligrosos, uso de sustancias agotadoras de la capa de ozono, ambiente laboral y manejo de riesgos, identificación y valoración de los impactos ambientales y se definieron elementos del sistema de gestión ambiental como política, objetivos, metas ambientales y plan de acción. Al desarrollar todos los requerimientos exigidos por la Autoridad Ambiental se determinó que el centro tiene buen desempeño ambiental por lo que reúne los requisitos para presentar la solicitud según el procedimiento de la Resolución No. 135/2004 para obtener el Reconocimiento Ambiental Territorial ante la Delegación Territorial del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y Medio Ambiente.
In Furvina production dangerous and not dangerous residues which are adverse to environment are generated. Natural and social economic conditions of the surrounding where the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos areas are located influence over the environmental factors involved, as well as the center basic performance which permits a quality guarantee to products and services to clients. The objective of this work is actualizing the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos environmental diagnosis, in correspondence to the methodology established by the Environmental Authority. For this work development datum were picked up and analyzed and the environmental performance was evaluated, taking into account material flow balances, identification and evaluation of the applicable environmental and sanitary regulations fulfillment, use, consumption and water quality, energy use, air quality, noise and vibrations, solid and liquid residues, chemical products, combustible and lubricants, dangerous wastes, use of ozone layer waste substances, work environment and risk management, identification and valuation of environmental impacts, and elements of the environmental management such as policy, objectives, environmental goals and action plan were defined. When developing all the demanded requirements by the Environmental Authority, it was determined that the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos has a good environmental performance, that is why the center has all the necessary requisites for presenting the application according to the proceeding of Resolution No. 135/2004 to obtain the Territorial Environmental Recognition of the Territorial Delegation of Science, Technology and Environmental Ministry.
In Furvina production dangerous and not dangerous residues which are adverse to environment are generated. Natural and social economic conditions of the surrounding where the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos areas are located influence over the environmental factors involved, as well as the center basic performance which permits a quality guarantee to products and services to clients. The objective of this work is actualizing the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos environmental diagnosis, in correspondence to the methodology established by the Environmental Authority. For this work development datum were picked up and analyzed and the environmental performance was evaluated, taking into account material flow balances, identification and evaluation of the applicable environmental and sanitary regulations fulfillment, use, consumption and water quality, energy use, air quality, noise and vibrations, solid and liquid residues, chemical products, combustible and lubricants, dangerous wastes, use of ozone layer waste substances, work environment and risk management, identification and valuation of environmental impacts, and elements of the environmental management such as policy, objectives, environmental goals and action plan were defined. When developing all the demanded requirements by the Environmental Authority, it was determined that the Centro de Bioactivos Químicos has a good environmental performance, that is why the center has all the necessary requisites for presenting the application according to the proceeding of Resolution No. 135/2004 to obtain the Territorial Environmental Recognition of the Territorial Delegation of Science, Technology and Environmental Ministry.
Palabras clave
Centro de Bioactivos Químicos (CBQ), Medio Ambiente, Contaminación Ambiental, Environmental Pollution, Industria Farmacéutica, Drug Industry, Impacto Ambiental, Environmental Impact