Captación de restricciones de integridad desde el nivel conceptual
Saura Guerra, José Enrique
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Matemática, Física y Computación. Departamento Ciencias de la Computación
Las herramientas actuales de ayuda al diseño conceptual de bases de datos presentan limitaciones relacionadas con la definición de las restricciones de integridad de usuario en los esquemas conceptuales. La falta de mecanismos que permitan un seguimiento de estas restricciones al transitar por los esquemas lógicos y físicos se debe en gran medida a la ausencia de sistematicidad en lo relativo a los desarrollos teóricos, notaciones y mecanismo asociados a las diferentes restricciones de integridad del modelo Entidad Relación básico.
La presente tesis de Maestría reúne los resultados de la investigación que abordó la obtención de un formalismo capaz de definir Restricciones de Integridad en el modelo Entidad Relación. Además se detalla la aplicación de esa investigación al implementarse una extensión a la herramienta ERECASE, capaz de generar las Restricciones de Integridad a partir del modelo Entidad Relación, partiendo de una fundamentación teórica que comprende un estudio de las clasificaciones y características de la amplia variedad de restricciones que se pueden encontrar al modelar un Universo del Discurso. Se obtiene un formalismo para definir en un esquema conceptual las restricciones en dependencia de las construcciones presentes en este; todo lo cual contribuye a una mejor representación del universo del discurso y a reducir posibles errores desde etapas tempranas del ciclo de vida de las aplicaciones.
Current data bases conceptual design helping tools present limitations associated with the definition of user integrity constraints in conceptual diagrams, and therefore it’s lack of a following on these integrity constraints that allow physical and logical schemes that model the Speech Universe with clarity; this is mainly due to the absence of continuous theoretical development, notations and mechanisms associated with different integrity constraints of the basic Entity-Relationship model. The present Master's thesis gathers the results from an investigation the approached the creation of an expansion to the ERECASE tool capable of generating integrity constraints from the Entity-Relationship model, starting with a theoretical foundation that includes a study of classifications and characteristics of a wide variety of integrity constraints that can be found modeling a Speech Universe. A convention is obtained for the definition of integrity constraints in a conceptual model depending of the constructions present in it; all which contribute to a better representation of the Speech Universe and to reduce possible errors form early stages of application life cycle.
Current data bases conceptual design helping tools present limitations associated with the definition of user integrity constraints in conceptual diagrams, and therefore it’s lack of a following on these integrity constraints that allow physical and logical schemes that model the Speech Universe with clarity; this is mainly due to the absence of continuous theoretical development, notations and mechanisms associated with different integrity constraints of the basic Entity-Relationship model. The present Master's thesis gathers the results from an investigation the approached the creation of an expansion to the ERECASE tool capable of generating integrity constraints from the Entity-Relationship model, starting with a theoretical foundation that includes a study of classifications and characteristics of a wide variety of integrity constraints that can be found modeling a Speech Universe. A convention is obtained for the definition of integrity constraints in a conceptual model depending of the constructions present in it; all which contribute to a better representation of the Speech Universe and to reduce possible errors form early stages of application life cycle.
Palabras clave
Modelo Entidad Relación, Restricciones de Integridad, Formalismo, Esquema Conceptual