Procedimiento para la evaluación del desempeño ambiental como instrumento para la toma de decisiones.
Pereiras García, Ernesto
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas
La protección del medio ambiente es uno de los desafíos de las empresas en la actualidad y las particularidades del desarrollo empresarial cubano exigen incorporar un enfoque de mejoramiento continuo. La presente investigación propone un procedimiento para la evaluación del desempeño ambiental, basado principalmente en la norma ISO 14031, que transita por cinco etapas: análisis de situación, implementación del sistema de gestión ambiental; inventario de los procesos, selección y clasificación de indicadores ambientales, aplicación del sistema de indicadores y revisión y mejora del sistema de indicadores. La aplicación del procedimiento está soportada en una herramienta informática, en la que se utilizó como gestor de bases de Datos My SQL GUI v8.82 que soporta el almacenamiento de toda la información relacionada con la aplicación, Yii Framework, encargado de controlar el acceso a la base de datos y XAMPP como servidor independiente de plataforma, software libre, consistente en la base de datos MySQL, el servidor Web Apache y los intérpretes para lenguajes de script: PHP y Perl. El procedimiento se aplicó en la Unidad Estatal Básica Combinado de Hormigón “Rolando Morales Sanabria” y permitió seleccionar, recopilar, analizar y evaluar los indicadores ambientales de la entidad, mostrando que contribuyen a medir si las políticas, estrategias y metas ambientales son efectivas. Se cuenta con la información organizada, se permite el almacenamiento de datos históricos, búsquedas avanzadas y la generación de gráficos y reportes que lo convierten en una valiosa herramienta en la de toma de decisiones.
Protecting the environment is one of the challenges facing companies today and the special Cuban business development required to incorporate a continuous improvement approach. This research proposes a method for the assessment of environmental performance, mainly based on ISO 14031, which passes through five stages: situation analysis, implementation of the environmental management system, inventory processes, selection and classification of environmental indicators application of the system of indicators and review and improvement of the indicator system. The application of the procedure is supported in a software tool, which was used as database manager My SQL GUI v8.82 that supports the storage of all information related to the application, Yii Framework, which is responsible for controlling access to the database server and XAMPP as platform independent, free software, consisting of the MySQL database, the Apache Web Server and interpreters for scripting languages: PHP and Perl. The procedure was applied to the Basic Production Unit of Construction Materials “Rolando Morales Sanabria” and allowed to select, collect, analyze, integrate and evaluate the environmental indicators of the organization. It shown indicators that help to measure policies, strategies and targets are effective. It contributed to the information organization and enabled the storage of historical data, advanced searching and graphs and reports generates. Thus, it turned into a valuable tool in the decision making process.
Protecting the environment is one of the challenges facing companies today and the special Cuban business development required to incorporate a continuous improvement approach. This research proposes a method for the assessment of environmental performance, mainly based on ISO 14031, which passes through five stages: situation analysis, implementation of the environmental management system, inventory processes, selection and classification of environmental indicators application of the system of indicators and review and improvement of the indicator system. The application of the procedure is supported in a software tool, which was used as database manager My SQL GUI v8.82 that supports the storage of all information related to the application, Yii Framework, which is responsible for controlling access to the database server and XAMPP as platform independent, free software, consisting of the MySQL database, the Apache Web Server and interpreters for scripting languages: PHP and Perl. The procedure was applied to the Basic Production Unit of Construction Materials “Rolando Morales Sanabria” and allowed to select, collect, analyze, integrate and evaluate the environmental indicators of the organization. It shown indicators that help to measure policies, strategies and targets are effective. It contributed to the information organization and enabled the storage of historical data, advanced searching and graphs and reports generates. Thus, it turned into a valuable tool in the decision making process.
Palabras clave
Indicadores Ambientales, Información Ambiental, Evaluación del Desempeño Ambiental, Environmental Indicators, Environmental Information, Environmental Performance Evaluation