Influencia de las radiaciones ionizantes en la productividad biológica
Rodríguez López, Lien
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Matemática, Física y Computación. Departamento Ciencias de la Computación
Las radiaciones juegan un rol esencial en el establecimiento y proliferación de la
biota en los ambientes naturales. El proceso de fotosíntesis, básico para casi
toda la biosfera terrestre, se realiza absorbiendo fotones en las bandas visible e
infrarroja del espectro electromagnético, mientras que los fotones ultravioletas
(UV) y las radiaciones ionizantes tienden a inhibirla (disminuyendo, por diversos
mecanismos, su rendimiento cuántico). La modelación cuantitativa de lo anterior
dista mucho de ser un tema cerrado: la mayoría de los modelos solo considera
las irradiancias espectrales en las bandas ultravioleta y visible, y alguna que
otra variable ambiental adicional, seleccionada acorde al entorno natural que se
modela. Por lo general se presta poca o ninguna atención a la potencial
influencia de radiaciones ionizantes en el proceso fotosintético. Lo anterior trae
como consecuencia la poca disponibilidad de modelos adecuados para describir
la productividad biológica en situaciones en que las radiaciones ionizantes
juegan un rol preponderante. En esta tesis se resuelven y discuten varios casos
de modelación de la influencia de las radiaciones ionizantes en la productividad
biológica, usando herramientas bioinformáticas y biofísicas.
Radiations play an essential role in the establishment and growth of the biota in natural environments. The process of photosynthesis, essential for most of the terrestrial biosphere, is performed by absorbing photons in the visible and infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, while ultraviolet photons (UV) and ionizing radiation tend to inhibit it (decreasing by various mechanisms, their quantum yield). Quantitative modeling of above is far from being a closed issue: most models only consider the spectral irradiance in the ultraviolet and visible bands, and some other additional environmental variable, selected according to the modelled environment. Usually little or no attention to the potential influence of ionizing radiation on the photosynthetic process is provided. This results in poor availability of suitable models to describe biological productivity in situations where ionizing radiation play a major role. In this thesis several cases of modelling the influence of ionizing radiations in biological productivity are solved and discussed, using tools from the fields of Bioinformatics and Biophysics.
Radiations play an essential role in the establishment and growth of the biota in natural environments. The process of photosynthesis, essential for most of the terrestrial biosphere, is performed by absorbing photons in the visible and infrared bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, while ultraviolet photons (UV) and ionizing radiation tend to inhibit it (decreasing by various mechanisms, their quantum yield). Quantitative modeling of above is far from being a closed issue: most models only consider the spectral irradiance in the ultraviolet and visible bands, and some other additional environmental variable, selected according to the modelled environment. Usually little or no attention to the potential influence of ionizing radiation on the photosynthetic process is provided. This results in poor availability of suitable models to describe biological productivity in situations where ionizing radiation play a major role. In this thesis several cases of modelling the influence of ionizing radiations in biological productivity are solved and discussed, using tools from the fields of Bioinformatics and Biophysics.
Palabras clave
Fotosíntesis, Biosfera Terrestre, Fotones, Radiaciones, Radiaciones ionizantes