Propuesta de ejercicios para mejorar la fuerza especial en tierra de los kayakistas del equipo masculino de la EIDE Héctor Ruiz Pérez de Villa Clara
Barroso Matos, Manuel Serguei
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Universidad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física "Manuel Fajardo"
La investigación que se presenta transita el camino relacionado con el estudio del
perfeccionamiento de la fuerza especial en tierra en la categoría 13-15 años del
deporte kayak en la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar (EIDE), de Villa Clara, para
darle respuesta al problema científico de la investigación, se determina como objetivo
general: diseñar ejercicios dirigidos a perfeccionar la fuerza especial de estos atletas.
Se utilizaron métodos y técnicas tanto de los niveles teóricos, empíricos y matemáticos,
determinando como método general de la investigación al materialismo dialéctico. Los
ejercicios se elaboraron teniendo en cuenta las necesidades detectadas en el
diagnóstico, es en este sentido que la propuesta resulta novedosa.
The research presented transits the path related to the study of the improvement of the task force on land in the category 13-15 years of sport kayak at the School of Sport Initiation ( EIDE) School , Villa Clara , paragraph Giving answer to the problem scientific Research , is determent general objective : to design exercises aimed at improving the special Force of these athletes . Methods and Techniques of both theoretical, empirical and mathematical levels were used as a general method of determining Research dialectical materialism . The exercises were developed taking into account the needs identified in the diagnosis , is Spanish this sense that the proposed new search results
The research presented transits the path related to the study of the improvement of the task force on land in the category 13-15 years of sport kayak at the School of Sport Initiation ( EIDE) School , Villa Clara , paragraph Giving answer to the problem scientific Research , is determent general objective : to design exercises aimed at improving the special Force of these athletes . Methods and Techniques of both theoretical, empirical and mathematical levels were used as a general method of determining Research dialectical materialism . The exercises were developed taking into account the needs identified in the diagnosis , is Spanish this sense that the proposed new search results
Palabras clave
Fuerza especial, Kayak masculino, Kayak