La inclusión educativa de escolares con retraso secundario del lenguaje
Domínguez Estrada, Anisabel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Educación Infantil. Departamento de Educación Especial.
El presente trabajo se propone desarrollar un tema de gran importancia para todas las
personas que influyen en los contextos de un escolar con retraso secundario del
lenguaje. Su objetivo es proponer un sistema de actividades con un enfoque ambiental
para contribuir desde la atención logopédica a la inclusión educativa de una escolar con
retraso secundario del lenguaje. Permitiendo así caracterizar a estos individuos y a la vez
fortalecer valores ya que a pesar de la compleja realidad educativa que viven hay que
tener en cuenta, ante todo, que son personas, con todas las particularidades de un ser
humano. Para este estudio se utilizaron los métodos del nivel teórico tales como: el
analítico- sintético, histórico- lógico, inductivo- deductivo, enfoque de sistema,
modelación, y del nivel empírico se utilizaron: la observación participante, entrevista, la
revisión de documentos y como método fundamental el estudio de caso. La propuesta se
aplicó durante el curso escolar 2017-2018, en el S/I Carlos J. Finlay donde se encuentra
una escolar incluida con retraso secundario del lenguaje, con una frecuencia de una
sesión semanal. El trabajo con ellos requiere de una responsabilidad sin límites y mucho
amor. A través de toda la investigación realizada se pudo arribar a conclusiones parciales
y generales sobre el sistema de actividades para dar solución al problema científico. Con
él se brinda un cambio favorable hacia los escolares incluidos, se llega a la conclusión
que la inteligencia no es un término fijo e inmutable, sino que varía y puede elevarse
grandemente como resultado de las influencias ambientales.
Palabras claves:
The present work intends to develop a topic of great importance for all people that influence the contexts of a student with secondary language delay. Its objective is to elaborate a system of activities with an environmental focusing to contribute from the logopédica attention to the to educational inclusion of student with secondary language delay. This allows us to characterize these individuals and at the same time to strengthen values since, despite the complex educational reality that they live, we must take into account, above all, that they are people, with all the peculiarities of a human being. For this study, we used the methods of theoretical level such as analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, system approach, modeling, and in the empirical level were used: participation observation, interview, document review and as fundamental method the study of the case. The proposal will be applied during the 2017-2018 escolar course, with a frequency of two weekly sessions. Through this research, it was possible to arrive at partial and general conclusions about the system of activities necessaries to solve the scientific problem. With it provides a favorable change to the included school children, we conclude that intelligence is not a fixed term and immutable, but varies and can greatly increase as a result of environmental influences. Working with them requires unlimited responsibility and a lot of love.
The present work intends to develop a topic of great importance for all people that influence the contexts of a student with secondary language delay. Its objective is to elaborate a system of activities with an environmental focusing to contribute from the logopédica attention to the to educational inclusion of student with secondary language delay. This allows us to characterize these individuals and at the same time to strengthen values since, despite the complex educational reality that they live, we must take into account, above all, that they are people, with all the peculiarities of a human being. For this study, we used the methods of theoretical level such as analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, inductive-deductive, system approach, modeling, and in the empirical level were used: participation observation, interview, document review and as fundamental method the study of the case. The proposal will be applied during the 2017-2018 escolar course, with a frequency of two weekly sessions. Through this research, it was possible to arrive at partial and general conclusions about the system of activities necessaries to solve the scientific problem. With it provides a favorable change to the included school children, we conclude that intelligence is not a fixed term and immutable, but varies and can greatly increase as a result of environmental influences. Working with them requires unlimited responsibility and a lot of love.
Palabras clave
Educación Especial, Retraso Mental, Educación Ambiental