Gestión de los riesgos en el proceso de restauración del Buffet “Caucubú” en el Hotel Cubanacan Las Cuevas.
Zuñigas Valdés, Lianet
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
La presente investigación se realiza en el Hotel Cubanacan Las Cuevas ubicado en la ciudad de Trinidad, con el objetivo de aplicar un procedimiento para gestionar los riesgos en el proceso de restauración del Buffet “Caucubú” de forma tal que se contribuya en el diagnóstico, la evaluación y prevención de los efectos negativos que pueden afectar la calidad del servicio que se ofrece. Para cumplir este fin se hace necesario el empleo de técnicas de análisis y recopilación de la información como son: revisión de documentos, observación directa, entrevistas, método de expertos, diagrama Causa y efecto, Análisis modal de fallos y efectos (AMFE), diagrama de flujo, entre otras que posibilitan obtener un resultado argumentado y veraz. El estudio se estructura en dos capítulos, en el primero se efectúa un análisis bibliográfico sobre la temática en instituciones hoteleras, que facilita la selección del procedimiento de Ruiz-González (2016) que por sus características es aplicable a este tipo de organizaciones; mientras que en el segundo se ejecuta su aplicación en el proceso de restauración del Buffet “Caucubú”. Los principales resultados se centran en la identificación de los riesgos que afectan el correcto desempeño del servicio, determinando para cada falla su causa y efecto, elementos que contribuyen a desarrollar un plan de mejora que permite trabajar con un enfoque preventivo para contribuir a la mejora de la calidad
The present investigation is carried out in the Hotel Cubanacan The Caves located in the city of Trinidad, with the objective of applying a procedure to negotiate the risks in the process of restoration of the Buffet "Caucubú" in such way that is contributed in the diagnosis, the evaluation and prevention of the negative effects that can affect the quality of the service that offers. To complete this end it becomes necessary the employment of technical of analysis and summary of the information like they are: revision of documents, direct observation, you interview, experts' method, diagram Causes and effect, modal Analysis of shortcomings and effects (AMFE), diagram of flow, among others that facilitate to obtain an argued result and truthful. The study is structured in two chapters, in the first one a bibliographical analysis is made on the thematic one in hotel institutions that it facilitates the selection of Ruiz-González's procedure (2016) that is applicable for its characteristics to this type of organizations; while in the second their application is executed in the process of restoration of the Buffet "Caucubú". The main results are centered in the identification of the risks that you/they affect the correct acting of the service, determining for each flaw its cause and effect, elements that contribute to develop a plan of improvement that he/she allows to work with a preventive focus to contribute to the improvement of the quality
The present investigation is carried out in the Hotel Cubanacan The Caves located in the city of Trinidad, with the objective of applying a procedure to negotiate the risks in the process of restoration of the Buffet "Caucubú" in such way that is contributed in the diagnosis, the evaluation and prevention of the negative effects that can affect the quality of the service that offers. To complete this end it becomes necessary the employment of technical of analysis and summary of the information like they are: revision of documents, direct observation, you interview, experts' method, diagram Causes and effect, modal Analysis of shortcomings and effects (AMFE), diagram of flow, among others that facilitate to obtain an argued result and truthful. The study is structured in two chapters, in the first one a bibliographical analysis is made on the thematic one in hotel institutions that it facilitates the selection of Ruiz-González's procedure (2016) that is applicable for its characteristics to this type of organizations; while in the second their application is executed in the process of restoration of the Buffet "Caucubú". The main results are centered in the identification of the risks that you/they affect the correct acting of the service, determining for each flaw its cause and effect, elements that contribute to develop a plan of improvement that he/she allows to work with a preventive focus to contribute to the improvement of the quality
Palabras clave
Industria Turística, Proceso de Restauración, Gestión de la Calidad