Sistema de mercadotecnia para el Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas (IBP) de la Universidad Central
Ruiz Mena, Lianet
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Universidad Cetral "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo proponer un Sistema de Mercadotecnia para el Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas (IBP) de la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas (UCLV). Para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos del estudio se asumió la alternativa metodológica cuantitativa, y un diseño no experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo. La revisión de documentos oficiales, el cuestionario y la entrevista semiestructurada, se utilizaron como instrumentos de recogida de información.
En el diagnóstico inicial de mercadotecnia se obtuvieron como resultados, que la función de la mercadotecnia en el IBP, se concibe generalmente, en acciones aisladas y empíricas, que tienen que ver con la promoción, la inteligencia de mercadotecnia y la atención a los clientes actuales. Sin embargo, no se gestionan integralmente los sistemas de información, restándosele importancia a la investigación de mercados y a los datos internos, no se realiza una atención diferenciada a los clientes potenciales, ni se les da seguimiento a dichos públicos, una vez concluidos los contratos. Además no se gestiona adecuadamente el proceso de mercadotecnia en los procesos de transferencia de tecnologías.
El diseño propuesto del Sistema de Mercadotecnia se realizó a partir de la dinámica de funcionamiento de los procesos claves del Instituto. Finalmente quedó estructurado por tres subsistemas, que funcionan a partir de la estructura actual de Líneas de investigación, de las cuales se derivan Proyectos. La presente investigación constituye un punto de partida para investigaciones posteriores, dedicadas a implementar el Sistema de Mercadotecnia en el IBP.
The objective of this research is to propose a Marketing System for the Institute of Biotechnology of the Plants (IBP by its Spanish acronym) of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. To fulfill the objectives of this study a methodological quantitative method and a non-experimental, transversal, descriptive design were assumed. The revision of official documents, surveys and the semi-structured interview were also used as instruments to gather information. In the initial diagnose of marketing several results were obtained. One of these results is that in the IBP the role of marketing is frequently seen as isolated and empirical an action that has to do with promotion, the intelligence of marketing and costumers´ service. However, the information systems are not completely managed, thus making the investigation of marketing and internal data less important, also it was detected that a especial attention to possible future clients is not offered and no follow-up is given to them once contracts are over. Besides, the process of marketing is not properly carried out in the processes of transfer of technology. The design proposed- the Marketing System-was created from the dynamic of functioning of the key processes of the IBP. It was finally conformed by three subsystems that work from the present structures of the research topics from which research projects derive. This investigation constitutes the basis for future researches, aimed to assess the results of the implementation of the Marketing System in the IBP.
The objective of this research is to propose a Marketing System for the Institute of Biotechnology of the Plants (IBP by its Spanish acronym) of the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. To fulfill the objectives of this study a methodological quantitative method and a non-experimental, transversal, descriptive design were assumed. The revision of official documents, surveys and the semi-structured interview were also used as instruments to gather information. In the initial diagnose of marketing several results were obtained. One of these results is that in the IBP the role of marketing is frequently seen as isolated and empirical an action that has to do with promotion, the intelligence of marketing and costumers´ service. However, the information systems are not completely managed, thus making the investigation of marketing and internal data less important, also it was detected that a especial attention to possible future clients is not offered and no follow-up is given to them once contracts are over. Besides, the process of marketing is not properly carried out in the processes of transfer of technology. The design proposed- the Marketing System-was created from the dynamic of functioning of the key processes of the IBP. It was finally conformed by three subsystems that work from the present structures of the research topics from which research projects derive. This investigation constitutes the basis for future researches, aimed to assess the results of the implementation of the Marketing System in the IBP.
Palabras clave
Sistema de Mercadotecnia, Gestión de Mercadotecnia, Centros de Investigación, Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas