Diseño de Escuela de Verano e Invierno: alternativa para la captación de servicios académicos en la UCLV
Campos Cardoso, Luis Miguel
Amores Moro, Silke
Corcho Reyes, Isis Laura
Fabelo Falcón, José Antonio
Castillo Cuenca, Julio César
Gómez González, Mileny
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El flujo de movimientos académicos, estudiantiles y profesionales, así como las estancias temporales de estudiantes, profesores, eventístas, cursantes, aspirantes y visitantes en instituciones de educación superior, fuera de sus lugares de residencia habitual, pueden ser considerados parte del turismo académico o turismo de eventos. Impulsado por diferentes programas de eventos en instituciones de Educación Superior, esta tipología de turismo, ha experimentado un crecimiento muy importante en los últimos años, reportando ingresos considerables a las instituciones universitarias y promoviendo la comunicación científica entre los participantes, la transferencia de “know-how”, los valores y la identidad universitaria. Los eventos han emergido considerablemente en las instituciones de Educación Superior debido al aumento de los desplazamientos y la necesidad del ser humano de confrontar experiencias y transferir el conocimiento. La comprensión de los eventos es multifactorial y compleja ya que se ha convertido en una forma de antídoto para palear los altos gastos que generan los procesos sustantivos universitarios a partir de una nueva captación de ingresos por concepto de servicios académicos, convirtiéndose en una alternativa para la gestión económica-financiera sostenible de instituciones públicas de Educación Superior que combinan las actividades académicas en escenarios muy favorables donde el intercambio, el ocio y la recreación se expresan de manera convencional en estos mismos espacios.
The flow of academic, student-oriented and professional movements, as well as the temporary stays of students, professors, event participants, Msc or PhD candidates and visitors in institutions of higher education, outside of their places of habitual residence, can be considered part of academic tourism or tourism of events. Driven by different events programs in Higher Education institutions, this type of tourism has experienced a very important growth in recent years, reporting considerable income to university institutions and promoting scientific communication among participants, the transfer of "know-how", values and university identity. Events have emerged, considerably, in Higher Education institutions due to the increase of displacements and the need of the human beings to confront experiences and transfer knowledge. The understanding of events is multifactorial and complex since it has become a form of antidote to shove the high expenses generated by the university substantive processes from a new income capture for academic services, becoming an alternative for the sustainable economic-financial management of public institutions of Higher Education that combine academic activities in very favorable scenarios where exchange, leisure and recreation are expressed in a conventional way in these same spaces. Key words: events, summer school, internationalization, higher education, management.
The flow of academic, student-oriented and professional movements, as well as the temporary stays of students, professors, event participants, Msc or PhD candidates and visitors in institutions of higher education, outside of their places of habitual residence, can be considered part of academic tourism or tourism of events. Driven by different events programs in Higher Education institutions, this type of tourism has experienced a very important growth in recent years, reporting considerable income to university institutions and promoting scientific communication among participants, the transfer of "know-how", values and university identity. Events have emerged, considerably, in Higher Education institutions due to the increase of displacements and the need of the human beings to confront experiences and transfer knowledge. The understanding of events is multifactorial and complex since it has become a form of antidote to shove the high expenses generated by the university substantive processes from a new income capture for academic services, becoming an alternative for the sustainable economic-financial management of public institutions of Higher Education that combine academic activities in very favorable scenarios where exchange, leisure and recreation are expressed in a conventional way in these same spaces. Key words: events, summer school, internationalization, higher education, management.
Palabras clave
Eventos, Escuela de Verano, Internacionalización, Educación Superior, Gestión
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