Gestión de la contaminación ambiental mediante técnicas de minería de datos
Portal Castillo, Dianelis
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Las emisiones de sustancias contaminantes hacia la atmósfera y la magnitud de ellas,
son la causa de muchos problemas ambientales en la actualidad. El presente trabajo se enfocó en la
contaminación atmosférica de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, donde se buscó encontrar relaciones
entre variables climatológicas y las emisiones contaminantes por medio de técnicas de minería de
datos que se puede definir como el proceso de extraer conocimiento válido, útil y comprensible que se
encuentra en grandes conjuntos de datos.
The emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere and the magnitude of them are the cause of many environmental problems at present. The present work focused on air pollution in the province of Sancti Spíritus, where it was sought to find relationships between climatic variables and pollutant emissions through data mining techniques that can be defined as the process of extracting valid, useful knowledge and understandable that it is found in large data sets.
The emissions of polluting substances into the atmosphere and the magnitude of them are the cause of many environmental problems at present. The present work focused on air pollution in the province of Sancti Spíritus, where it was sought to find relationships between climatic variables and pollutant emissions through data mining techniques that can be defined as the process of extracting valid, useful knowledge and understandable that it is found in large data sets.
Palabras clave
Fuentes Fijas, Contaminación, Emisiones, Minería de Datos, Fixed Sources, Pollution, Emissions, Data Mining
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