Entrenamiento sociopsicológico en competencias socioemocionales para gestionar ventas en restauración en los Hoteles E de la ciudad de Camagüey.
Peláez Milanés, Darlin
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de las Villas.Facultad de Ciencias Económicas.Departamento de Turismo
El presente trabajo de diploma se desarrolla en los Hoteles E de la ciudad de Camagüey, con el objetivo principal de diseñar un entrenamiento sociopsicológico en las competencias socioemocionales para la gestión de ventas en los trabajadores del servicio de restauración de los Hoteles E de la ciudad de Camagüey, entidad objeto de estudio. En este sentido se realizó un diagnóstico a las competencias socioemocionales que intervienen en la gestión ventas en los trabajadores del servicio de restauración como punto de partida para determinar la importancia de realizar un estudio con estas características necesarias en el servicio de restauración de los Hoteles E de ciudad, como base para elaborar un entrenamiento sociopsicológico. Entre las principales técnicas y/o métodos utilizados para la investigación se encuentran los del nivel teórico, empírico y matemáticos, los cuales mostraron su eficiencia en este tipo de estudio al ser aplicados. Como resultado de la investigación se diseñó el entrenamiento sociopsicológico a partir de un procedimiento científicamente fundamentado para la temática estudiada en los Hoteles E de la ciudad de Camagüey, integrado por cinco hoteles de pequeños formato, comprobándose su eficiencia a partir del criterio de especialistas. Palabras claves, entrenamiento sociopsicológico, competencias socioemocionales, gestión de ventas.
The present diploma work is developed in the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, with the main objective of designing a training socio-psychological in the competitions socio- emotional to the administration of sales in the workers of the service of restoration of the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, entity study object. In this sense it was carried out a diagnosis of the necessities of negotiating sales in the workers of the restoration service like starting point to determine the importance of carrying out a study with these necessary characteristics in the service of restoration of the Hotels E of city like base to elaborate a training socio-psychological. Among the main ones technical and/or methods used for the investigation are those of the theoretical, empiric and mathematical level, which showed their efficiency in this study type when being applied. As a result of the investigation the training socio-psychological was designed starting from a procedure scientifically based for the thematic one studied in the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, integrated by four hotels of small formats, being proven its efficiency starting from the approach of specialists. Key words, training socio-psychological, competitions socio- emotional, administration of sales.
The present diploma work is developed in the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, with the main objective of designing a training socio-psychological in the competitions socio- emotional to the administration of sales in the workers of the service of restoration of the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, entity study object. In this sense it was carried out a diagnosis of the necessities of negotiating sales in the workers of the restoration service like starting point to determine the importance of carrying out a study with these necessary characteristics in the service of restoration of the Hotels E of city like base to elaborate a training socio-psychological. Among the main ones technical and/or methods used for the investigation are those of the theoretical, empiric and mathematical level, which showed their efficiency in this study type when being applied. As a result of the investigation the training socio-psychological was designed starting from a procedure scientifically based for the thematic one studied in the Hotels E of the city of Camagüey, integrated by four hotels of small formats, being proven its efficiency starting from the approach of specialists. Key words, training socio-psychological, competitions socio- emotional, administration of sales.
Palabras clave
Restauración de los Hoteles E de la Ciudad de Camaguey, Entrenamiento Sociopsicológico, Competencias Socioemocionales