Análisis DAFO de la UEB Gases Industriales de la provincia de Santi Spíritus
Ibarra Alzugaray, Yaima
Cañizares Martínez, Lidiana
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La actividad económica de las empresas se organiza de acuerdo a su objeto empresarial aprobado, atendiendo a esto cada empresa posee un conjunto de elementos distintivos que la caracterizan de forma única y ofrecen la posibilidad de evaluar su estado actual.
Por ello, para poder realizar el análisis de una empresa determinada y obtener información acerca de sus posibilidades de desarrollo actual y futuro es de gran importancia el análisis de todos los elementos que la distinguen.
Tomando en cuenta lo planteado anteriormente, la siguiente investigación aborda aspectos conceptuales sobre el análisis DAFO en la Unidad Económica Básica (UEB) “Gases Industriales” de la provincia de Santi Spíritus. Para ello se desarrolla un estudio con el objetivo de caracterizar el perfil estratégico de dicha entidad para la toma de decisiones estratégicas oportunas y que mejoren su funcionamiento. Se emplean métodos tanto del nivel teórico como del nivel empírico. Del nivel teórico, tales como: análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico, inducción-deducción y teórico-práctico. Del nivel empírico: la observación. Dentro de las técnicas empleadas se encuentra la entrevista al personal trabajador de la UEB.
Los resultados alcanzados muestran que la mayor puntuación es obtenida en el primer cuadrante: Fortalezas- Oportunidades, por lo que se determina que la UEB está a la ofensiva, es decir, propone potenciar las fortalezas para aprovechar las oportunidades. Por tanto, la matriz DAFO es una herramienta que puede ser aplicable en cualquier empresa, independientemente de su trabajo y su actividad.
The economic activity of companies is organized according to their approved business purpose, taking into account this, each company has a set of distinctive elements that characterize it in a unique way and offer the possibility to evaluate its current state. Therefore, in order to perform the analysis of a particular company and obtain information about its possibilities of current and future development is of great importance the analysis of all the elements that distinguish it. Taking into account the foregoing, the following research addresses conceptual aspects of the SWOT analysis in the Basic Economic Unit (UEB) "Industrial Gases" in the province of Santi Spíritus. For this purpose, a study is carried out with the objective of characterizing the strategic profile of this entity in order to make timely and strategic decisions that improve its functioning. Both the theoretical and the empirical levels are used. From the theoretical level, such as: analysis-synthesis, historical-logic, induction-deduction and theoretical-practical. From the empirical level: observation. Among the techniques used is the interview with the UEB's working staff. The results show that the highest score is obtained in the first quadrant: Strengths-Opportunities, which determines that the UEB is on the offensive, proposes to strengthen the strengths to take advantage of the opportunities.
The economic activity of companies is organized according to their approved business purpose, taking into account this, each company has a set of distinctive elements that characterize it in a unique way and offer the possibility to evaluate its current state. Therefore, in order to perform the analysis of a particular company and obtain information about its possibilities of current and future development is of great importance the analysis of all the elements that distinguish it. Taking into account the foregoing, the following research addresses conceptual aspects of the SWOT analysis in the Basic Economic Unit (UEB) "Industrial Gases" in the province of Santi Spíritus. For this purpose, a study is carried out with the objective of characterizing the strategic profile of this entity in order to make timely and strategic decisions that improve its functioning. Both the theoretical and the empirical levels are used. From the theoretical level, such as: analysis-synthesis, historical-logic, induction-deduction and theoretical-practical. From the empirical level: observation. Among the techniques used is the interview with the UEB's working staff. The results show that the highest score is obtained in the first quadrant: Strengths-Opportunities, which determines that the UEB is on the offensive, proposes to strengthen the strengths to take advantage of the opportunities.
Palabras clave
Microambiente, Actividad Económica, Análisis DAFO