De la expresión formal de la discordancia discursiva en la reproducción del discurso ajeno en el periódico Juventud Rebelde
Pérez García, Yamilé
Portal San Luis, Jorge Luis
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Un mecanismo común en la legitimación de la información del texto periodístico lo constituye la reproducción de la voz ajena. A través de un análisis desde la Estilística mediante el método de análisis de textual y tomando como muestra un conjunto de trabajos publicados en el periódico Juventud Rebelde en 2012, seleccionados por la inclusión de citas de personalidades, otros textos u otros medios, como fuentes primarias de la información, la ponencia demuestra los resultados del proceso investigativo. Se identifican algunos problemas formales en la reproducción del discurso ajeno que repercuten negativamente en la claridad de los mensajes. El tratamiento de las citas evidenció un alejamiento de los usos tradicionales enla utilización de los estilos directo, indirecto y pseudodirecto, provocando ambigüedad discursiva, específicamente condicionada por la discordancia entre los tiempos verbales y deícticos del discurso principal y el ajeno. Las imprecisiones en la reproducción de la polifonía de voces provocan ambigüedad en la relación entre la información principal y los discursos intercalados.
Reproducing other people’s voices is a common mechanism to legitimize the informationwithin ajournalistic text. By means of an analysis from the Stylistics point of view and taking as a sample a group of papers published in 2012 in Juventud Rebelde, chosen for including quotations from personalities, other texts as well as other means, as primary sources of information, within the paper some formal problems regarding the reproduction of the others’ discourse negatively affecting the clarity in the message are identified. The treatment given to the quotations showed a detachment from the traditional use of direct, indirect and pseudodirect styles causing discoursive ambiguity, specifically conditioned by the disagreement between verb and dei tic tenses with the main and that of other’s discourse. The unaccuracies in the reproduction of a poliphony of voices cause ambiguity in the relationship between the main information and the intercalated discourses.
Reproducing other people’s voices is a common mechanism to legitimize the informationwithin ajournalistic text. By means of an analysis from the Stylistics point of view and taking as a sample a group of papers published in 2012 in Juventud Rebelde, chosen for including quotations from personalities, other texts as well as other means, as primary sources of information, within the paper some formal problems regarding the reproduction of the others’ discourse negatively affecting the clarity in the message are identified. The treatment given to the quotations showed a detachment from the traditional use of direct, indirect and pseudodirect styles causing discoursive ambiguity, specifically conditioned by the disagreement between verb and dei tic tenses with the main and that of other’s discourse. The unaccuracies in the reproduction of a poliphony of voices cause ambiguity in the relationship between the main information and the intercalated discourses.
Palabras clave
Texto Periodístico, Heteroglosia, Estilo Directo, Estilo Indirecto, Estilo Pseudo Directo, Journalistic Text, Heterogloss, Direct Style, Indirect Style, Pseudo Direct Style