Análisis del comportamiento de la consistencia de los datos transformados mediante funciones kernels
García, Jorge
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Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Facultad de Matemática, Física y Computación. Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
Las Máquinas de Vectores de Soporte han significado un hito importante al proveer un algoritmo con un comportamiento excelente en comparación con otros algoritmos a la vez que tiene una sólida fundamentación matemática. Los rasgos que distinguen su formulación son el uso del concepto de margen como medida de calidad y el uso de funciones kernels para lidiar con conjuntos de datos no separables linealmente. Por ello resulta interesante estudiar, si existe un cambio sustancial en la calidad de la clasificación y la relación de la medida Calidad de la Similaridad de la Teoría de los Conjuntos Aproximados con el comportamiento de otros algoritmos al transformar el espacio de representación de los ejemplos de aprendizaje mediantes funciones kernel.
Se realizó un análisis del cambio en el grado de consistencia de los datos y la calidad del conocimiento adquirido después de esta transformación.
Support Vector Machines have been a significant milestone in testing an algorithm with excellent behavior compared to other algorithms while having a strong mathematical foundation. The distinguishing features of its formulation are the use of the concept of margin as the measure of quality and the use of kernels functions to deal with non-linear separable data sets. Therefore it is interesting to study if there is a substantial change in the quality of the classification and the relationship of the measure Quality of the similarity of the Rough Set Theory with the behavior of other algorithms when transforming the space of the representation of the examples through kernel functions. An analysis is made of the change in the degree of consistency of the data and the quality of knowledge acquired after this transformation.
Support Vector Machines have been a significant milestone in testing an algorithm with excellent behavior compared to other algorithms while having a strong mathematical foundation. The distinguishing features of its formulation are the use of the concept of margin as the measure of quality and the use of kernels functions to deal with non-linear separable data sets. Therefore it is interesting to study if there is a substantial change in the quality of the classification and the relationship of the measure Quality of the similarity of the Rough Set Theory with the behavior of other algorithms when transforming the space of the representation of the examples through kernel functions. An analysis is made of the change in the degree of consistency of the data and the quality of knowledge acquired after this transformation.
Palabras clave
Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial, Conjuntos Aproximados, Kernel