“Estudio comparativo multicriterio para la toma de decisiones para la selección de cuadros en la Empresa Constructora Militar No.3”
Bacallao Rodríguez, Lilidiani
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Universidad Central ‘‘Marta Abreu’’ de Las Villas. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial. Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial
La toma de decisiones es una actividad cotidiana en la vida de las personas, estas se presentan tanto en el ámbito personal como profesional, por lo que en ocasiones es necesario auxiliarnos de herramientas o técnicas que nos ayuden a tomar las mejores decisiones. En la actualidad se han desarrollado un conjunto de herramientas matemáticas, que garantizan una toma de decisiones rápida y eficiente, debido a un entorno cada vez más competitivo y dinámico. Estas herramientas denominadas métodos multicriterios son procedimientos que nos permiten seleccionar entre un conjunto de alternativas la más óptima. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental brindar un procedimiento multicriterio que sirva de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en el proceso de selección de los cuadros directivos en la Empresa Constructora Militar No. 3 (ECM-3), que se encarga de brindar servicios de construcción civil y montaje de nuevas obras, de demolición, restauración y mantenimiento constructivo, así como producir y comercializar materiales de la construcción. En la investigación se propone emplear dentro de los métodos multicriterios las técnicas: Suma Pondera y ELECTRE pertenecientes a la escuela americana y a la europea respectivamente; y comparar los resultados obtenidos por dichas técnicas, teniendo en cuenta un grupo de criterios seleccionados.
Palabras claves: Toma de decisiones, métodos multicriterio, suma ponderada, ELECTRE
Decision making is a daily activity in people's lives, these occur both in the personal and professional fields, so sometimes it is necessary to use tools or techniques that help us make the best decisions. At present, a set of mathematical tools have been developed, which guarantee fast and efficient decision-making, due to an increasingly competitive and dynamic environment. These tools called multicriteria methods are procedures that allow us to select the most optimal from a set of alternatives. The main objective of this research is to provide a multi-criteria procedure that supports decision-making in the selection process of the executive cadres in the Military Construction Company No. 3 (ECM-3), which is responsible for providing services of civil construction and assembly of new works, demolition, restoration and construction maintenance, as well as producing and marketing construction materials. In the research it is proposed to use within the multicriteria methods the techniques: Sum Pondera and ELECTRE belonging to the American and European schools respectively; and comparing the results obtained by said techniques, taking into account a group of selected criteria. Keywords: Decision making, multi-criteria methods, weighted sum, ELECTRE.
Decision making is a daily activity in people's lives, these occur both in the personal and professional fields, so sometimes it is necessary to use tools or techniques that help us make the best decisions. At present, a set of mathematical tools have been developed, which guarantee fast and efficient decision-making, due to an increasingly competitive and dynamic environment. These tools called multicriteria methods are procedures that allow us to select the most optimal from a set of alternatives. The main objective of this research is to provide a multi-criteria procedure that supports decision-making in the selection process of the executive cadres in the Military Construction Company No. 3 (ECM-3), which is responsible for providing services of civil construction and assembly of new works, demolition, restoration and construction maintenance, as well as producing and marketing construction materials. In the research it is proposed to use within the multicriteria methods the techniques: Sum Pondera and ELECTRE belonging to the American and European schools respectively; and comparing the results obtained by said techniques, taking into account a group of selected criteria. Keywords: Decision making, multi-criteria methods, weighted sum, ELECTRE.
Palabras clave
Toma de Decisiones, Empresa Constructora Militar No.3, ELECTRE, Competencia Profesional, Organización y Administración, Optimización de Procesos