Evaluación de la Campaña "Ahorra Ahora" desarrollada por la Oficina Nacional del Uso Racional de la Energía
Ríos Ramírez, Marianela
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Comunicación Social
El presente Trabajo de Diploma tiene el objetivo de evaluar la campaña de comunicación de
bien público "Ahorra Ahora" desarrollada por la Oficina Nacional del Uso Racional de la
Energía (ONURE). En la investigación se desarrolla un análisis de los niveles de articulación
entre los objetivos, principios y fases en que se sustenta.
El estudio asume una perspectiva predominantemente cualitativa y emplea como técnicas de
investigación la revisión bibliográfica documental, la entrevista semi-estandarizada, el análisis
de contenido y la observación directa. Se trata de un estudio empírico-descriptivo sin
descartar el uso de fuentes documentales.
Los principales resultados revelan una débil fase de investigación como antesala para el
desarrollo de la campaña comunicacional. Sin embargo, se logra a través de la estrategia de
mensajes y medios tradicionales y digitales articular de forma coherente la línea temática
central vinculado al ahorro de energía eléctrica. Por su parte la implementación de las
acciones planificadas y su debida evaluación transcurren con aleatoriedad y de forma
asistemática los cuales sin dudas ha tenido un efecto en la eficiente concepción, desarrollo y
evolución favorable de la campaña “Ahorra Ahora”.
This Diploma Work has the objective of evaluating the Save Now (Spanish: Ahorra Ahora) public good communication campaign developed by the National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (Spanish: Oficina Nacional para el Uso Racional de la Energía, ONURE). The research develops an analysis of the levels of articulation between the objectives, principles and phases on which it is based. The study assumes a predominantly qualitative perspective and uses as research techniques the documentary bibliographic review, the semi-standardized interview, content analysis and direct observation. It is an empirical-descriptive study without ruling out the use of documentary sources. The main results reveal a weak research phase as a prelude to the development of the communication campaign. However, it is achieved through the strategy of messages and traditional and digital media to coherently articulate the central thematic line linked to saving electricity. On the other hand, the implementation of the planned actions and their due evaluation are carried out randomly and in an unsystematic way, which has undoubtedly had an effect on the efficient conception, development and favorable evolution of the Save Now campaign.
This Diploma Work has the objective of evaluating the Save Now (Spanish: Ahorra Ahora) public good communication campaign developed by the National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (Spanish: Oficina Nacional para el Uso Racional de la Energía, ONURE). The research develops an analysis of the levels of articulation between the objectives, principles and phases on which it is based. The study assumes a predominantly qualitative perspective and uses as research techniques the documentary bibliographic review, the semi-standardized interview, content analysis and direct observation. It is an empirical-descriptive study without ruling out the use of documentary sources. The main results reveal a weak research phase as a prelude to the development of the communication campaign. However, it is achieved through the strategy of messages and traditional and digital media to coherently articulate the central thematic line linked to saving electricity. On the other hand, the implementation of the planned actions and their due evaluation are carried out randomly and in an unsystematic way, which has undoubtedly had an effect on the efficient conception, development and favorable evolution of the Save Now campaign.
Palabras clave
Campaña de Comunicación, Comunicación de Bien Público, Ahorra Ahora, ONURE, Communication Campaign, Public Good Communication, Save Now