Aplicación de un procedimiento para gestionar los desechos en el policlínico ¨La Campana¨
Villar Gonzáles, Yenisbel
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Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas
La investigación que se presenta tiene como objetivo fundamental aplicar un procedimiento que propicie la adecuada gestión de los desechos en el policlínico docente ¨La Campana¨ , que tenga en cuenta los principios de gestión de la calidad y facilite la toma de acciones objetivas para el mejoramiento de los servicios que presta la organización. El procedimiento que se propone está conformado según las normas vigentes, tanto en el país como a nivel internacional, en materia de gestión de la calidad y medioambiente. Con este fin se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de temas relacionados con gestión de la calidad, ambiente en hospitales y estrategias. La propuesta que se realiza para crear los fundamentos teóricos de la investigación tiene como base procedimientos de gestión de desechos creados por otros autores y durante la ejecución del mismo se emplean técnicas como: entrevistas, lista de chequeo, diagrama Copa de Árbol y matriz Conesa, entre otras que permite obtener veracidad en los resultados y aportan rigor científico al estudio. Con la aplicación del procedimiento propuesto se determina que en la entidad objeto de estudio existe una deficiente gestión de los desechos, factor condicionado principalmente por problemas asociados a la capacitación e implicación del personal relacionado con este proceso que afecta la calidad de los servicios médicos asistenciales y propicia la aparición de enfermedades intrahospitalarias.
The investigation that is presented has as fundamental objective to apply a procedure for the administration of the waste in the policlinic docent ¨La Campana¨ that keeps in mind the principles of administration of de quality and facilitate the taking of objective actions for the improvement of the services that lends the organization. The procedure that intends according to the effective norms, as much in the country as to international level, as regards administration of the quality and environment. With this end it is carried out a bibliographical revision of topics related with administration of the quality, atmosphere in hospitals and strategies. The proposal that is carried out to create the theoretical foundations of the investigation has like base procedures of administration of waste created by other authors and during the execution of the same one they are used technical as: you interview, clever of checkup, diagrams Glass of Tree and womb of Conesa, among others that allow to obtain truthfulness in the results and contribute scientific rigor to the study. With the application of the proposed procedure it is determined that in the entity study object a faulty administration of the waste, factor conditioned mainly by problems associated to the training and personnel’s related with this process implication that it affects the quality of the assistance and favourable medical services the appearance of illnesses inter-hospital exists.
The investigation that is presented has as fundamental objective to apply a procedure for the administration of the waste in the policlinic docent ¨La Campana¨ that keeps in mind the principles of administration of de quality and facilitate the taking of objective actions for the improvement of the services that lends the organization. The procedure that intends according to the effective norms, as much in the country as to international level, as regards administration of the quality and environment. With this end it is carried out a bibliographical revision of topics related with administration of the quality, atmosphere in hospitals and strategies. The proposal that is carried out to create the theoretical foundations of the investigation has like base procedures of administration of waste created by other authors and during the execution of the same one they are used technical as: you interview, clever of checkup, diagrams Glass of Tree and womb of Conesa, among others that allow to obtain truthfulness in the results and contribute scientific rigor to the study. With the application of the proposed procedure it is determined that in the entity study object a faulty administration of the waste, factor conditioned mainly by problems associated to the training and personnel’s related with this process implication that it affects the quality of the assistance and favourable medical services the appearance of illnesses inter-hospital exists.
Palabras clave
Gestión de la Calidad, Mejoramiento de los Servicios, Calidad de Servicios Médicos, Policlínico "La Campana", Desechos Hospitalarios, Enfermedades Intrahospitalarias, Gestión Medioambiental