La formación de competencias pedagógicas en los profesores universitarios.
Aguiar Santiago, Xenia Mónica
Rodríguez Pérez, Lourdes Guadalupe
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Numerosos estudios han definido el término competencia y cómo desarrollarla y evaluarla en disímiles contextos. A partir de una revisión crítica de la literatura sobre el tema en el ámbito nacional e internacional, esta investigación resuelve el problema científico ¿cómo contribuir a la formación de competencias de los profesores universitarios? Se definieron los conceptos de competencias pedagógico-didácticas, interactivas, investigativas, productivas, especificadoras e institucionales, con sus acciones y recomendaciones metodológicas como propuesta válida en aras de un adecuado desempeño docente.
Numerous studies have defined the term competence and how to develop and evaluate it in different contexts. Based on a critical review of the literature on the subject at national and international level, this research work solves the scientific problem how to contribute to the training of competences in university professors? The concepts of pedagogical-didactic, interactive, researching, productive, specification and institutional competences were defined, with their actions and methodological recommendations as a valid proposal for their training in university professors for the sake of an adequate teaching performance. Numerous studies have defined the term competence and how to develop and evaluate it in different contexts. Based on a critical review of the literature on the subject at national and international level, this research work solves the scientific problem how to contribute to the training of competences in university professors? The concepts of pedagogical-didactic, interactive, researching, productive, specification and institutional competences were defined, with their actions and methodological recommendations as a valid proposal for their training in university professors for the sake of an adequate teaching performance.
Numerous studies have defined the term competence and how to develop and evaluate it in different contexts. Based on a critical review of the literature on the subject at national and international level, this research work solves the scientific problem how to contribute to the training of competences in university professors? The concepts of pedagogical-didactic, interactive, researching, productive, specification and institutional competences were defined, with their actions and methodological recommendations as a valid proposal for their training in university professors for the sake of an adequate teaching performance. Numerous studies have defined the term competence and how to develop and evaluate it in different contexts. Based on a critical review of the literature on the subject at national and international level, this research work solves the scientific problem how to contribute to the training of competences in university professors? The concepts of pedagogical-didactic, interactive, researching, productive, specification and institutional competences were defined, with their actions and methodological recommendations as a valid proposal for their training in university professors for the sake of an adequate teaching performance.
Palabras clave
Educación basada en competencias, Educación profesional, Educación superior, Competency-based education, Education professional