En torno a la superación para los profesores de Español-Literatura del preuniversitario
Moré Mir, Sandy Orlando
Gómez Morales, Yakelín
Tiza Martínez, Mileidy
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El presente artículo contribuye a la solución de un problema que forma parte de una investigación doctoral y que ha estado presente entre las prioridades de los diferentes cursos académicos: la superación de los profesores de español-literatura del Preuniversitario. Tiene como objetivo presentar consideraciones acerca de la superación de los profesores de español-literatura del Preuniversitario desde el trabajo metodológico que realizan las facultades pedagógicas de las universidades. Se ofrecen precisiones, sugerencias de temas y algunos contenidos esenciales que se han tratado en programas de cursos impartidos como parte de la determinación de necesidades de los sujetos implicados; el método rector es la sistematización, así como el estudio documental, observación participante en clases, y entrevista.
This article contributes to the solution of a problem that is part of a doctoral research and that has been present among the priorities of the different academic courses: the overcoming of the Spanish-Literature professors of the Pre-university. Its objective is to present considerations about the improvement of the professors of Spanish-Literature of the Pre-university from the methodological work carried out by the pedagogical faculties of the universities. Preferences, suggestions of topics and some essential contents that have been treated in courses programs taught as part of the determination of needs of the subjects involved are offered; The main method is the systematization, as well as the documentary study, participant observation in classes, and interview
This article contributes to the solution of a problem that is part of a doctoral research and that has been present among the priorities of the different academic courses: the overcoming of the Spanish-Literature professors of the Pre-university. Its objective is to present considerations about the improvement of the professors of Spanish-Literature of the Pre-university from the methodological work carried out by the pedagogical faculties of the universities. Preferences, suggestions of topics and some essential contents that have been treated in courses programs taught as part of the determination of needs of the subjects involved are offered; The main method is the systematization, as well as the documentary study, participant observation in classes, and interview
Palabras clave
Enseñanza de literatura, Lectura, Superación, Consideraciones metodológicas
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